What we can learn from stinky cheese

Who Moved My Cheese?

Recently my dad recommended I read the book Who Moved my Cheese? He said it really opened his eyes, and thought I would benefit from it. So having just read the book, it did really make me think, and now I want to share it with you.

Imagine something you love, hold onto and cherish, this is your cheese. You work hard for this thing you care for so dearly, and feel you deserve it because of this.

Now imagine a situation in which the cheese is no longer there. No more cheese. It isn’t coming back, you can’t work harder to bring it back. It has gone, vanished, poof no more cheese.

What do you do? – this is the killer question.
I’m going to make it super easy and give you the answer right here: search out new cheese, life moves on and so should we. Sure we love our old cheese, it brought happiness.

Finding new cheese will be scary, but this is short lived. Trust me, the longer you leave hoping your cheese will return, the harder and scarier it will become. So act sooner rather than later. Once you move past fear, you’ll feel free and will enjoy yourself much more.

Plus you can make this process much easier on yourself. You can keep smelling your cheese, reassessing the situation as you go. By being proactive you will make finding new cheese dead easy. You will be ahead of the pack, and find better cheese.

Embrace change, just think change brings the potential of better things. Think you have it good now, you love that cheese, but think of a better cheese. By imagining yourself with new, better cheese, you will lead yourself to it.

Think about being productive, not just active. Sure consistency is brilliant, but if you consistently do something that is bringing no results, your simply being active for the sake of being active. However, if you change your ways, and make all your activity move you closer to new cheese, you’re being productive.

So who the hell cares who moved the cheese? Because, living in the past will not bring it back. Finding out who moved the cheese won’t bring it back. The cheese has gone. Search out new cheese, because life moves on and so should we.

I will tell you something, having someone to guide you to your new cheese can help a lot. Imagine the cheese is the body you always wanted, no doubt every time you reach that killer bod, you want more. A coach can lead you to that new cheese much faster, and will make sure you are proactive and productive in all your actions.