Haris Rajah – ‘Honoured to be coached by him and to have a T-shirt with his name on it!’

Haris, what were your goals when signing up with me?

My main goals were to lose fat, and then lean bulk and in doing so build my metabolic rate.

What reservations if any did you have before we started working together?

Starting with a coach was a big decision for me as I take my training seriously. So serious I would spend 4 hours some days just smashing the weights. The feeling of having someone responsible of something I care so much about was actually quite worrying at first because I didn’t know how it all worked.

I had doubts over:

  • Will I be doing enough exercise, and am I putting enough tension on my muscles?
  • Will I be losing muscle as well as fat?
  • Will my training style change? (I used to go to failure each set)


How was I able to help you with your reservations?

With just a few weeks working with Steve, I got the hand of counting calories, tracking my weights and being accountable for everything I ate.

The sessions I got by Steve took a lot less time in the gym as well, which I was worried about because I never thought it was enough, but I ended up getting better results with my new training style under Steve. Focusing on compound lifts and then hitting accessory work after, which is very different from what I used to do, such as hitting bicep curls first. It saved me so much time for other things in my life, also because I didn’t need to write up the programmes myself.

Steve would do everything for me, and as long as I was consistent and stuck to my training and nutrition, I would get results. Since my strength was going up as I cut, I gathered I didn’t lose any muscle at all too.

In point form, can you list your achievements training with me thus far?

  • Dropped over 20lbs in weight, and still dropping.
  • Adding weight to the bar weekly.
  • Total has increased 15% to 412.5kg at under 140lbs bodyweight.


Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Steve has truly influenced my life on a large scale, since training is a big part of my time. Even before I started getting coached by Steve, if I had a question regarding training or nutrition, he would be the man I would go to see about it because he knows what he’s talking about.

I decided to join Steve when I was cutting, but failing halfway through. That’s when I knew I needed a coach. There were other coaches out there, but starting with Steve was a no brainer for me as I knew he would get me results and keep me on track.

On the first day starting with Steve, all my bad habits stopped and I was in a healthy place again. I finished my cut successfully and I was in the best shape of my life.

I’m currently still getting coached and I continue to progress, and it’s the best investment I’ve made towards my health, worth every penny. Highly recommend him to anyone, whether you’re advanced or a beginner. Honoured to be coached by him and to have a T-shirt with his name on it!

Another brilliant client I have enjoyed so much working with. Haris is a work horse and will certainly be a big name in the future, whether it be powerlifting or natural bodybuilding. He has determination like no-one else I have worked with, and to hear the comments above make me incredibly happy.

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