Chris Janssen – ‘Your ability to adapt to my hectic lifestyle and stay the course has been the biggest boost to helping me achieve my goals.’

Chris, what were your goals when signing up with me?

Drop fat, gain strength and improve overall aesthetics.

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What reservations if any did you have before we started working together?

I was a bit reserved about the time difference, as the only other coach I had worked with was always in my same time zone.

How was I able to help you with your reservations?

The time difference actually worked in my favour (maybe not yours), as I would always have an email from you to wake up to on check in day. But regardless, it has never been an issue.


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In point form, can you list your achievements training with me thus far?

  • Fat loss with muscle gain with pauses in the deficit.
  • Increased strength with an all time PR on deadlift.
  • Bodyweight PR on squat and bench.
  • Worked around nagging injuries that I no longer have pain in.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

With all of the travel I do personally and for my job, I am often super focused trying to keep up with the demands that pull me in various directions other than fitness. I must pick and choose what I can dedicate my efforts to on a day to day basis and those priorities are often changing.

This means that fitness and my ability to track, check in, and respond to you is not always consistent. Your ability to adapt to my hectic lifestyle and stay the course has been the biggest boost to helping me achieve my goals.

You take a lot of pressure off of me, so that I do not have to worry about training/diet programming, which allows me to utilize that time for work/personal tasks.

Further, for being a younger trainer, your professionalism, in depth responses, and quick response times are outstanding no matter how long anyone has been in the business.

I started working with Chris 6 months ago, and we have come a long way. He is a great example of how you can make progress, that is sustainable and livable, so long as you take the right approach. We have gone through holidays, various on-going injuries and work events but managed to make progress consistently. This is largely down to Chris being able to respect that progress might take more time, but it will be much more liveable and will last. This is why we have been so successful.

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