[High Protein] Almond Butter [Fudge]

When I was a kid I absolutely LOVED fudge.

Unfortunately, fudge isn’t the most macro friendly treat out there. Sure it’s fine to have as a treat every now and then, and could be enjoyed regularly within flexible dieting. However the macros on Fudge, when cutting, would take some severe flexibility to fit into your macro budget for the day. I tend to just avoid it all together when I’m cutting!

So I got my muscle chef hat on and came up with this.

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An almond butter, high protein, white chocolate & raspberry home made fudge. Almond butter you hear me say…

Oh yeah… I’m kind of a peanut butter addict. Infact any kind of nut butter or sweet spread I enjoy. I’m a bit obsessed I started hoarding them, building a stash, and compiled a nut butter review series (only a peanut butter addict would understand).

So to be able to combine some almond butter, white chocolate, fruit, protein aaaaaand make a fudge out of it? Winner!


  • 50g of Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (any flavour is fine, but make it whey)
  • 100g Natural Smooth Almond Butter (any nut butter will do)
  • 150ml-200ml Almond Milk (or any milk you like)
  • 15g White Chocolate Chips & 34g Dried Raspberries (to your taste/macro budget)

The Process

1 – Add your whey protein & almond butter into a mixing bowl, combine.

2 – Slowly add your almond milk, and continue to mix.

3 – Add your white chocolate & raspberries to the “mixture” and thoroughly stir in.

4 – Place the mixture onto some greese proof paper, placed onto a tray.

5 – Leave it to set in the fridge for a minimum of 1 hour.

6 – Cut & Serve

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Macronutrient Breakdown 

Per 1/6th: 10g Protein 10g Carbs 12g Fat – 190kcal

Notes about this recipe

This is such a versatile recipe, that can be experimented & tinkered with to get any number of flavours, and combinations. Here are some of my recommendations;

Different Flavoured Protein Powder

Change up the entire flavour of the fudge by changing up your protein powder. The vanilla is a good “starting point” however, you can create some really indulgent chocolate flavoured ones if you were to use chocolate flavoured protein powder.

Another suggestion I would make is to add 2 different flavours of protein powder to get a nice blend in the base flavour of the fudge.

Different Nut Butters

I prefer smooth fudge, however I know some people love it with nuts in. Swapping your smooth nut butter for a crunchy version will cover your crunchy desires.

By using a high protein nut butter, you can boost the protein content of the fudge, without having to add more protein powder and thus spoiling the consistency and ratio of the recipe.


Only remove from the fridge when you’re ready to eat. The gloopy consistency of the nut butter will quickly start to melt on your fingers and go claggy.

About Adam Foster

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 19.57.44Adam Foster is an aspiring bodybuilder, wanna-be Gordon Ramsay and all round geek. If he’s not curling in the squat rack, or watching 90’s cartoons, he can be found publishing recipes & supplement reviews on his website http://www.cheapproteindiscountcodes.co.uk or uploading videos over at his Shreddybrek Youtube Channel http://www.youtube.com/shreddybrek

Follow Adam over on social at

The Oatmeal Series – The Cherry Bakewell

Almonds, oats and cherry a great mix of flavours and textures. A bit cherry bakewell tart esq. but something you could probably eat on a more regular basis. I introduce to you Cherry Bakewell Oats!

cherry almond oats

What you’ll need:

70g Oats, 2 Cups of water, tsp almond essence, tsp vanilla essence, 12g flaked almonds, 30g Cherry Fruit Spread, sweetener of choice.

How To Do It:

  1. Cook the oats and water on a high heat on the stove until simmering for a few minutes.
  2. Add the vanilla and almond essence.
  3. Once incorporated cook until desired thickness.
  4. Serve in a bowl and stir in your Cherry Spread and top with the Almonds!

cherry almond oats zoom

What You’re Getting From It:

  • 11g Protein, 59g Carbohydrates, 12g Fat (9g Fibre) – 423Kcal
  • Oats – more protein than popular cereals, damn cheap, high in fibre and full of vitamins and minerals.
  • Almonds – rich in monosaturated fat, shown to be beneficial for heart health and cancer reduction.

Remember whether or not the above is healthy or not depends on the context of your diet and your goals. It could be within a fat loss diet, a bulking diet or someone just looking to maintain. What matters most is whether it fits within your calorie and macronutrient needs. You can learn more about you Macro’s here where I talk about your Macro Budget.

The Oatmeal Series – Reeses Cup

So this one is a bit epic, because Reeses Cups. Chocolate and peanut butter, what better combination? Again, this oatmeal recipe gets you some great wholesome nutrition, but also some sweetness. That’s a win, win in my book.

Reeses Cup Oats

What you’ll need:

70g Oats, 2 Cups of water, 25g Chocolate Protein Powder (I used MyProtein Impact whey), half a banana (roughly 50g), 20g peanut butter. You may add some extra sweetener and cocoa powder too.

How To Do It:

  1. Cook the oats and water on a high heat on the stove until simmering for a few minutes.
  2. Add the finely chopped banana, reducing the heat and whip it into the mixture, you may need to smush the banana against the sides of the pan.
  3. Once incorporated cook until its just a littler thinner than desired thickness and add the protein powder, as this will thicken the mixture up.
  4. Serve in a bowl and top with your choice of peanut butter!

Reeses Cup Oats

What You’re Getting From It:

  • 33g Protein, 59g Carbohydrates, 17g Fat (9g Fibre) – 531Kcal
  • Oats – more protein than popular cereals, damn cheap, high in fibre and full of vitamins and minerals.
  • Peanut butter – they have about as many antioxidants as strawberries and blackberries, which aint bad for a nut (actually a bean, but hey).
  • Whey protein – cos everyone loves protein, the building block of muscle, essential for life. Highly satiating, great amino profile and highly bio-available (meaning we get a lot of good stuff from it).

Reeses Cup Oats

Having recipes like these are handy, because we all get bored of eating the same thing day in day out. This isn’t just full wholesome foods, it’s also incredibly tasty. What I would note is that you should customise the recipe to fit you and your goals. Need more fats? You could use almond milk, or even add some real chocolate. Need less fats? Switch peanut butter for a powdered peanut butter variety. Want less protein? Reduce the amount of whey used. Need more protein? switch water for milk. You get the picture, this meal is only good for you if it fits within your dietary needs.

Oh and if you make this, be sure to tag #ReviveStronger, so I gets to see the loveliness.

Garlic Tuna with Mediterranean Vegetables

This is a brilliant recipe because it is very simple, easy to make in bulk, really tasty and gets in a lot of micronutrition. I also really enjoy eating this cold or warm, I might just be odd but I have been eating this from the fridge at work and it hits the spot.



What you will need:

  • 3 tins of tuna
  • 2 tins of chopped tomatoes
  • 2 celery heads
  • 3 peppers
  • 2 large red onions
  • 2 boxes of mushrooms
  • 3 close of garlic
  • 2 tspn coconut oil
  • 1 stock cube

I don’t want to list out the exact grams of each of the above items, because I know it varies each time I make this. That is because packets provide estimated weights, also things like onions and peppers vary in size. However, the above is enough to go from to make this recipe work.

image1What you need to do:

  1. Chop up the garlic, onions, celery and peppers and add them to the pan with the coconut oil. Fry these until slightly soft.
  2. Add in the tins; so tomatoes and tuna, once mixed in drop your stock cube in and allow it to cook for a little while.
  3. Now you can chuck in your mushrooms, these will cook down fast so you could turn off the heat once these are mixed in if you desire a harder mushroom!

That’s it, simple as three steps, told you it was easy! You can then add a side of your choice, you could have this over a baked potato, make it into a pasta dish or do as I did and have it with basmati rice.



Macronutrition per 1/4 (without sides):

40g Protein, 24g Carbohydrates, 4g Fat (6g Fibre) – 300kcal 

Additional benefits of this meal:

  • Contains roughly 3 of your 5 a day
  • Can be used as a great meal for those losing fat or gaining size.
  • Highly satiating due to the high protein and fibre content.

And there we have it Garlic tuna with Mediterranean vegetables, let me know if you try it and how you liked it.



‘Joghurt’ Easy 2 Ingredient High Protein Dessert

So lately I have been experimenting with my foods, contest prep, it does funny things to you. You try and mix all sorts of things together. Well I love 0% Greek Yoghurt, but it is a bit plain, so I wanted to mix it up, so I came up with Joghurt. Check out how it looks:


When I say this is high volume and perfect for a dieter I am not lying, check out the size of it above, and then look at these Macros:

53g Protein 20.5g Carbs 0g Fat – 293kcal (without fruit)

Woahh pretty good right? And further to that, it tastes damn good too, and has great texture. Check out the video below to see how to make it:

Don’t forget to subscribe :D!!!

Low Carb Easy Cauliflower Cheese Pizza

I came across the idea of using cauliflower as a low carb variation to flour, rice and potato a long time ago. I shunned it, declaring never to be so crazy as to drop my precious carbs and eat such strange variations. Little did I know my contest prep would lead me to search out low carb alternatives, and I did what I said I’d never do and set about using cauliflower as a low carb option. I’m glad I did, not only is it incredibly low carb it is also easy and tastes very good. I’d be lying if I said these pizza’s were as good as the real thing, but damn, when you are on low calories and trying to keep carbs low but crave a pizza, these taste heavenly.


So enough about my discovery of the ease and deliciousness of these pizzas and down to business we go.

The Base


  1. 100g Egg Whites
  2. 300g Cauliflower
  3. 30g 50% Reduced Fat Cheese
  4. Seasonings


  1. Remove Cauliflower stalks and blend till fine, like flour.
  2. Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl and mix until combined.
  3. Lay out as desired onto a non-stick baking tray.
  4. Cook for 20-30 minutes at 200 Degrees C.

Macros: 25g Protein, 16g Carbohydrates (8g Fibre), 5g Fat


This makes a large pizza base, and when I say large I mean like the size you get from a restaurant, not some little diddy thing. So if you do not need such a large meal or want to adjust it to fit your macros feel free to divide up the quantities.


To be frank these are completely up to you and should be determined by preference and your individual nutritional needs. However, there are a few things I recommend that work well, although these should be no brainers to those who like their pizza.

  • Tomato Puree
  • Low Fat Cheese
  • Ham (this crisps up nicely)
  • Veggies (pretty much any, I love sweetcorn but its carby boo)
  • Walden Farms Ketchup/BBQ Sauce (so good and no kcals)
  • Salsa (really recommend this one, low cal and tasty as)
  • Italian seasoning and Garlic Salt
  • Tuna mixed in Walden Farms Sauce (this is a goody)



So you don’t miss out on any further recipes or good looking meals then be sure to follow me on instagram @Revivestronger.

5 Ingredient Protein Pancakes

You love pancakes, I love pancakes, we all love pancakes. But, most pancakes are not the type we can afford to eat day in day out and reach our goals. Well you may have heard of protein pancakes, not only are they high in protein but the ones here are made from wholesome ingredients and unlike Shreddies will keep hunger locked up till lunch!

Protein Pancakes with Almonds


  1. Eggs x 2
  2. Baking Powder x 1tsp (5g)
  3. Wholemeal Flour x 20g
  4. Oat Flour x 40g
  5. Whey Protein x 20g


  1. Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl/blender and combine, adding water till texture is soup like.
  2. Heat a non-stick pan and add mixture.
  3. Once mixture looks fairly set (they cook fast), flip.
  4. Dish it up!
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 till all the mixture is used, I normally get 5 pancakes.

Protein Pancakes with blackberries


  • Protein 40g
  • Carbohydrates 40g (5.5g fibre)
  • Fat 15g
  • 430kcal

Optional Extra’s

  • Cream Cheese – Add’s moisture (recommend this one if you have no topping).
  • Chocolate Sauce / Peanut Butter / Maple Syrup / Honey etc.
  • Nuts, Berries, Fruit (Banana’s cook in well).
  • Cocoa Powder / Sweeteners.

Here is a video of it all in action: