Calorie Free too good to be true?

Diet sodas, Walden Farms, Splenda

Hey guys, I want to spend some time talking to you about calorie free products. They’re great, adding loads of flavour and sweetness to our diets without the added calories. Research has shown that when kept in moderation our bodies are able to metabolise them without harmful effects and can help us lose weight. So why on earth would I ever bad mouth these products? Well as someone who has been dieting down for over 30 weeks my consumption of them has risen, and with that so has my understanding of potential pit falls.

Calorie free does not mean exactly that, as governing bodies allow companies to use this terminology if they are under a certain number of calories. In reality what does this mean? For example, if we take Walden Farms chocolate sauce (which I love).

Per serving Walden state that the product is calorie free, however there is actually 5 calories per 32g serving. That’s not exactly a lot, but say you were using a variety of these sauces through the day and using generous servings, that could really add up. Plus how many of you chew sugar free gum? I must get through almost a pack everyday now, and each piece actually contains 5 calories as well. Oh and I love Pepsi Max, again this too contains a small number of calories. You see where I am going here, before you know it you have actually consumed a decent number of calories from ‘calorie free’ sources.

As I said my consumption of these has been increasing as my diet has gotten harder. I hadn’t until recently really thought much about the above, thinking that they couldn’t be having any real impact. But, on a bad day I could in reality be getting close to 150 extra calories that I wasn’t accounting for, and imagine I have a bad week, an extra 150kcal every day, that’s over 1000 calories more than I thought. That 1000 calories could be the difference between losing the extra bit of fat I wanted.

So next time you see something ‘calorie free’ bare in mind that it does in fact contain a small number of calories, and these can add up. This is why I love IIFYM or Flexible Dieting, you count everything, there are no ‘free’ foods, because we know anything that contains energy will impact our bodies.

Limited Online Coaching Deals

Hey guys, so I could write a load of spiel about how my coaching services are all bespoke, fit around your lifestyle and will get you great results. But, you’ve heard all that before, and so it doesn’t really incentivise you to pick me up as your coach.

So why choose me, as opposed to all the other coaches out there? Well for me the most important part of being an online coach is to keep it PERSONAL. I pride myself in the fact I can say I am friends with all my online clients, I know a bit about what is going on with their life, I take interest in more than what their macro intake and weight room progress was for the week. And I feel this is the key difference between me and the many others out there, I really care about YOU. 

Down to the deals:

– Buy 1 Month & get 1 Month FREE – £99.99 – Save £50
– Buy 3 Months & get 10% off & NO SIGN UP FEE – £135 – Save £84.99
– Buy 6 Months  & get 15% off & NO SIGN UP FEE – £255 – Save £94.99

These are all limited and are given on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis – I do have limited capacity.

So if you want a coach that cares about you, then give me a shot 🙂

Thomas Gray- ‘allowed me to be more productive in relation to my study and coaching of my own clients’

Tom came to me seeking a ‘mini’ cut, he himself is already a clued up guy, but wanted someone else to take over so he could focus on other things and have some accountability. He had recently had a bit of a rough patch and gained some unwanted fat that he wanted to reduce before going on holiday. So after working out his bespoke macronutrient guidelines and putting him on a low volume Concurrent Periodisation training model he was well set.

chart_1-1In just 9 weeks Tom lost just under 20lbs, and from the image below we can safely say that this wasn’t lean mass that was lost. I think you will agree that Tom looks far healthier and more muscular after his short fat loss stint. Tom followed a very flexible diet throughout his time with me with his calories never dropping below 2300 and he was only doing cardio for 30 minutes max a week for the last two weeks.

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Fat loss is hard, but it can be made a hell of a lot easier when managed correctly. Don’t just take my word for it though, here is what Tom had to say about my coaching:

‘Just want to say a big thanks, it really has removed that mental masturbation aspect of programming your own training and allowed me to be more productive in relation to my study and coaching of my own clients. I know I was coming off a huge lay off but still incredibly happy with the progress thus far. Especially considering the time frame.’

Tom is now enjoying a well deserved holiday and is looking to jump back onto my coaching once back, I couldn’t be happier to take him on again.

To learn more about my coaching services please click HERE.