The Original Beltsander Brownie

So across the internet there are images of bowls of delicious looking brownie going around. I kept seeing people refer to them as the beltsander brownie…all I had in my head was sanding paper. Totally didn’t get it. Plus I have tried ‘protein brownies’ in the past that weren’t all that great. However, this brownie totally wasn’t like those, just like my bean brownies, it rocked.

The Original Beltsander Brownie recipe:

  • Scoop of protein.
  • 10g Cocoa Powder.
  • Tspn Baking Powder.
  • 60ml Milk.

You mix all the above into a thick paste and then microwave for around 30 seconds.

I went ahead with the above, but me being me I wanted to try and jazz it up. I knew egg whites had worked wonders in recipes like this before, and so I added in 25g.

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My Pimped Beltsander Brownie recipe:

  • 25g of MyProtein Total Protein (mixed blend).
  • 10g Cocoa Powder or MyProtein’s Chocolate Smooth Flavouring.
  • Tspn Baking Powder.
  • 60ml Skimmed Milk.
  • 25g Egg Whites.

In my 700W microwave it took 60s, let it cool off a little, plate it, and you got yourself a sweet brownie. If the simplicity wasn’t enough for you, the taste for the calories is insane:


23g Protein 6g Carbs 2g Fat — 143kcal

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‘Macro Friendly’ Protein Brownies

This is another one of those ‘I bloody love that food, but it just doesn’t really fit in my diet’ recipes. I aint gonna lie, brownies are amazing, sugar, butter, chocolate, all the chocolate, they’re delicious, soft, gooey. Just yum. But one little brownie can set you back 300 calories and normally 15g of fat and minimal protein or micronutrition. So this is one of those recipes, where obviously it isn’t as good as the real thing, but it isn’t bad either, and it is full of goodness.


What you’ll need:

  • 100ml Skimmed Milk (any liquid would do)
  • 20g Protein Powder (I recommend a whey or mixed protein)
  • 240g black beans (any bean will work)
  • 30g Philidelphia Lightest (optional)
  • 45g Flour (can be reduced)
  • 1 Medium Egg (can be switched to egg whites)
  • 5g Cocoa Powder (optional)
  • 4g Baking Powder
  • Sweetener of your choosing
  • Additional goodies e.g. oreos, chocolate chunks, kitkat (optional but a no brainer)

Healthy Brownie

How To Do It:

  1. Add all the ingredients to a blender and BUZZ.
  2. Add all ingredients to a lined baking tray.
  3. Cook in a 200 degree oven for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Take it out and delve a knife into the middle of it, if it comes out pretty much clean, you’re good to go.
  5. Leave to cool.

Healthy Brownie

What You’re Getting From It:

  • A massive brownie.
  • 42g Protein, 55g Carbohydrates, 14g Fat (18g Fibre) – 532Kcal (without additional goodies)
  • Eggs ‘natures multivitamin’ containing antioxidants helping protect our eyes, choline a powerful nutrient for brain function and a high quality amino profile.
  • Beans one of the best natural sources of fibre on the planet. I recommend everyone gets a minimum of 25g of fibre, and in general 10% of their total carb intake (eating 300g of carbs, get in 30g of fibre minimum).

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