The Oatmeal Series – Reeses Cup

So this one is a bit epic, because Reeses Cups. Chocolate and peanut butter, what better combination? Again, this oatmeal recipe gets you some great wholesome nutrition, but also some sweetness. That’s a win, win in my book.

Reeses Cup Oats

What you’ll need:

70g Oats, 2 Cups of water, 25g Chocolate Protein Powder (I used MyProtein Impact whey), half a banana (roughly 50g), 20g peanut butter. You may add some extra sweetener and cocoa powder too.

How To Do It:

  1. Cook the oats and water on a high heat on the stove until simmering for a few minutes.
  2. Add the finely chopped banana, reducing the heat and whip it into the mixture, you may need to smush the banana against the sides of the pan.
  3. Once incorporated cook until its just a littler thinner than desired thickness and add the protein powder, as this will thicken the mixture up.
  4. Serve in a bowl and top with your choice of peanut butter!

Reeses Cup Oats

What You’re Getting From It:

  • 33g Protein, 59g Carbohydrates, 17g Fat (9g Fibre) – 531Kcal
  • Oats – more protein than popular cereals, damn cheap, high in fibre and full of vitamins and minerals.
  • Peanut butter – they have about as many antioxidants as strawberries and blackberries, which aint bad for a nut (actually a bean, but hey).
  • Whey protein – cos everyone loves protein, the building block of muscle, essential for life. Highly satiating, great amino profile and highly bio-available (meaning we get a lot of good stuff from it).

Reeses Cup Oats

Having recipes like these are handy, because we all get bored of eating the same thing day in day out. This isn’t just full wholesome foods, it’s also incredibly tasty. What I would note is that you should customise the recipe to fit you and your goals. Need more fats? You could use almond milk, or even add some real chocolate. Need less fats? Switch peanut butter for a powdered peanut butter variety. Want less protein? Reduce the amount of whey used. Need more protein? switch water for milk. You get the picture, this meal is only good for you if it fits within your dietary needs.

Oh and if you make this, be sure to tag #ReviveStronger, so I gets to see the loveliness.