Low Carb Easy Cauliflower Cheese Pizza

I came across the idea of using cauliflower as a low carb variation to flour, rice and potato a long time ago. I shunned it, declaring never to be so crazy as to drop my precious carbs and eat such strange variations. Little did I know my contest prep would lead me to search out low carb alternatives, and I did what I said I’d never do and set about using cauliflower as a low carb option. I’m glad I did, not only is it incredibly low carb it is also easy and tastes very good. I’d be lying if I said these pizza’s were as good as the real thing, but damn, when you are on low calories and trying to keep carbs low but crave a pizza, these taste heavenly.


So enough about my discovery of the ease and deliciousness of these pizzas and down to business we go.

The Base


  1. 100g Egg Whites
  2. 300g Cauliflower
  3. 30g 50% ReducedĀ Fat Cheese
  4. Seasonings


  1. Remove Cauliflower stalks and blend till fine, like flour.
  2. Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl and mix until combined.
  3. Lay out as desired onto a non-stick baking tray.
  4. Cook for 20-30 minutes at 200 Degrees C.

Macros: 25g Protein, 16g Carbohydrates (8g Fibre), 5g Fat


This makes a large pizza base, and when I say large I mean like the size you get from a restaurant, not some little diddy thing. So if you do not need such a large meal or want to adjust it to fit your macros feel free to divide up the quantities.


To be frank these are completely up to you and should be determined by preference and your individual nutritional needs. However, there are a few things I recommend that work well, although these should be no brainers to those who like their pizza.

  • Tomato Puree
  • Low Fat Cheese
  • Ham (this crisps up nicely)
  • Veggies (pretty much any, I love sweetcorn but its carby boo)
  • Walden Farms Ketchup/BBQ Sauce (so good and no kcals)
  • Salsa (really recommend this one, low cal and tasty as)
  • Italian seasoning and Garlic Salt
  • Tuna mixed in Walden Farms Sauce (this is a goody)



So you don’t miss out on any further recipes or good looking meals then be sure to follow me on instagramĀ @Revivestronger.