The Oatmeal Series – Carrot Cake

Breakfast, whether you regard it as the most important meal of the day, the most boring meal of the day or just a meal. You will end up having something, and I think a lot of people end up finding they go to the same things over and over again. One for me is oats, so to keep things interesting I like to pimp them up.

So I have for you the Oatmeal series, for which the main ingredient will be our beloved oats. If you love oats, you will love this series, if you hate them, you will probably find this series will help you discover a way to eat them that you enjoy. Don’t get me wrong, you definitely don’t have to eat oats, but they are cheap and versatile.

What You’ll Need:

70g Oats, 2 Cups of water, 1/2 Cup of grated carrot, half a banana chopped, tsp vanilla essence, tsp cinnamon, sweetener, 100g Greek Yoghurt, 10g Walnuts.

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How To Do It:

  1. Add the oats, water and salt to the pan and cook on a high heat, once simmering add the chopped banana and carrot, keep stirring and reduce the heat, mashing the banana against the sides is a good way to incorporate it quickly.
  2. Once thickened reduce the heat further and cool till your favoured consistency, then add the vanilla, sweetener and cinnamon.
  3. During the cooking process you can prepare your icing, for this add the Greek Yoghurt and Vanilla essence to a bowl and mix up, I prepared it the night before. Simply put your Oaty Carrot Cake into a bowl and dollop on the icing.
  4. Sprinkle over the Walnuts and there you have it Carrot Cake with Icing.


What You’re Getting From It:

  • 22g Protein, 65g Carbohydrates, 13g Fat (12g Fibre) – 467Kcal
  • Banana- great source of potassium.
  • Carrot- full of Beta Carotine along with many vitamins and minerals.
  • Walnuts- full of Omega 3s keeping you healthy (still take your fish oils!).
  • Cinnamon- this has always been a winner for me, great replacement for sugar and calorie free.
  • Greek Yoghurt- higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than other yoghurts and 100% natural, I use Fage 0% that you can get from any typical supermarket.

I love changing up my oats, so do my clients. Because we allow our diets to be flexible, we can swap and change foods all the time, we can eat anything we want and get great results. This is whether they are powerlifters, natural bodybuilders, mens physique competitors or just guys and gals who want to drop fat. Our diets are inclusive, and the only restrictions in place are ones that have to be to get results, calories.

Connor Stanbridge – ‘educated me dramatically through the process and always have time to answer my questions’

Connor, what were your goals when signing up with me?

I wanted to increase my weight slowly, because I wanted to add mainly lean muscle without the fat. I also wanted to increase my weights in the gym mainly focusing on my compound movements.

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What reservations if any did you have before we started working together?

I was concerned about adding too much fat, and being told what to do and never why.

How was I able to help you with your reservations?

You helped me by increasing my weight and the I calories consumed, without adding fat. Plus I dramatically increased the weight used on the compound lifts. Finally, one major part is you have educated me along the way massively.

In point form, can you list your achievements training with me thus far?

  • Gained lean muscle mass
  • Increased strength
  • Furthered my education
  • Improved my confidence
  • Made me love training, no longer seeing it as a chore

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I would just like to say it has been a pleasure being coached by you and I am really looking forward to many more months to come. You have seriously helped me along the way with increasing my weight and lifts, and not only are you a great coach you are a really down to earth guy and become a great friend. One massive point for me although I have got a hell of a lot to learn, you have educated me dramatically through the process and always have time to answer my questions, which I admire and respect a lot. Once again thank you and looking forward to many more months.

I have really enjoyed coaching Connor, he is always looking to learn and understand the process behind his training and nutrition. This is something I really admire in my clients and encourage. He is currently doing a Personal Training course and in future has the goal of stepping on stage as a Mens Physique Competitor.

Interested in online coaching? You can check out what I have to offer here.