‘Joghurt’ Easy 2 Ingredient High Protein Dessert

So lately I have been experimenting with my foods, contest prep, it does funny things to you. You try and mix all sorts of things together. Well I love 0% Greek Yoghurt, but it is a bit plain, so I wanted to mix it up, so I came up with Joghurt. Check out how it looks:


When I say this is high volume and perfect for a dieter I am not lying, check out the size of it above, and then look at these Macros:

53g Protein 20.5g Carbs 0g Fat – 293kcal (without fruit)

Woahh pretty good right? And further to that, it tastes damn good too, and has great texture. Check out the video below to see how to make it:

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Simple 5 Minute Protein Cake

Hey guys, anyone following me on the social media will have noticed I have been making some aesthetic, TAF, yummy, nom, GAF looking protein cakes! Sorry it has taken so long to release the recipe, but the wait will be worth it, because you’re about to see how to make one of these bad boys.

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Oh and if you’re not following me on the social media then check the below:

The Standard Sweet Potato Cake


  • Whey Protein Powder – 15g
  • Sweet Potato – 120g
  • 1 Medium Egg
  • 1tsp Baking Powder
  • 50g 0% Fage Greek Yoghurt
  • Sweetener (FlavDrops, Truvia, Stevia, Sugar etc.)

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  1. Cook sweet potato in microwave till soft and let cool (so the egg doesn’t cook when blending).
  2. Add all ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth, adding water till a thick soupy like texture is achieved.
  3. Cook in a non-stick, microwave safe bowl or mug for 2-3m.
  4. Flip out onto a plate and top with your choice of sauce or icing.

Macros: 25g Protein, 25g Carbohydrates, 7g Fat – 260kcal

The Low Cal Cake


  • Whey Protein Powder – 15g
  • Butternut Squash – 150g
  • 50g Eggwhites
  • 1tsp Baking Powder
  • 50g 0% Fage Greek Yoghurt
  • Sweetener (FlavDrops, Truvia, Stevia, Sugar etc.)

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  1. Exactly the same as above, but the butternut squash will take a bit more cooking and will produce a wetter cake.

Macros: 25g Protein, 20g Carbohydrates, 1g Fat – 185kcal

High Protein Frosting


  • Whey Protein Powder – 15g
  • 50g 0% Fage Greek Yoghurt
  • Sweetener (FlavDrops, Truvia, Stevia, Sugar, Cinnamon etc.)

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Macros: 15g Protein, 2g Carbohydrates, 1g Fat – 70kcal

So there we have it guys, the protein cake! As you can see there are loads of variants and possibilities to these cakes, such as changing out the sweet potato for a plain white potato (need to try!) or oats or flour, all will give you a similar result. Remember to fit these to your specific needs, that means fit them to your macros ;).

Again to catch more recipes like these be sure to follow me on:

Cheers and revive stronger peeps!