The Ultimate Eating Out Survival Guide.

So you’re on a diet, but an occasion comes up in which sticking to it becomes difficult. It might be a night out, a party, a wedding or maybe you’re just travelling and don’t have the ability to cook. The opportunity to say ah fu*k it shows itself, do you give in? I’m going to help you screw the ah fu*k it and stay on track. The key to results is consistency, so if you let occasions like this take you off track too often, you’ll lose that consistency and therefore any potential results.

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Here is your Step by Step Eating Out Survival Guide:

1) Follow a Flexible Diet

This hopefully isn’t new to you, but if it is, flexible dieting essentially means that you give yourself a break. You screw up one day, or maybe just one meal, as long as you’re consistent with the majority of your meals you’re A OK.

Basically, when an occasion like this crops up, you do your best and then the next day, you get back on your nutrition plan.

The great thing with this approach is that because you allow yourself some flexibility you never feel the need to stray from your diet. You know as long as you’re on the straight and narrow most of the time, you will see results. You have the bigger picture in mind. Thus, we avoid binges or cheat meals, so instead when you screw up one day you don’t say ah f*ck it and just drop your diet, you get back on it the next.

2) Plan Ahead

So you get flexible dieting, but you’re extra eager to stay on track, you want results as fast as they can come. Therefore, you want to plan ahead. Know you’re eating out with friends in the evening?

Why not check out the restaurants menu beforehand, select something that fits within your diet and then work your day around it.

That way you know you’ll be on track. However, restaurant food is not like home cooked food, the chef doesn’t care about your fitness goals, they only care about making food taste good. That means they’ll not worry about adding extra butter, oil or sugar to your food. So expect the food you eat out to be higher in total calories than meals you would make yourself.

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Some insider tips:
– Many chains give you the nutritional breakdown of their meals, so make sure to do a google search beforehand.
– Pick easy to guestimate meals e.g. steak and chips, pasta with tomato sauce, Margherita pizza etc.
– Ask for any dressings on the side & vegetables without added butter.
– Search for the meal in question on myfitnesspal & use a suggestion that looks about right.
– Over-estimate fats & under-estimate protein.
– Enter the components of the meal into myfitnesspal & use cups to guestimate quantities e.g. a cup of rice, half a cup of chips etc.

As you eat out more often, you’ll get better. Like anything practice makes perfect. For example, I love pizza so I used to eat out at Pizza Express a lot because they provide their nutritional information. Great! But I wanted to try other joints, so overtime I became more confident in my ability to guestimate other pizzas. You too can do the same with any meals. If you’re someone who weighs their food and tracks the nutrition, you should have a good idea of how many calories are in different foods. Plus remember tip number 1, you should be following a flexible diet, and by estimating you’re doing really well, and if you’re off by a little bit it isn’t a worry as long as you get back to your home cooking soon enough.

3) Create Buffer

This one I find very handy, and makes complete sense, make yourself some buffer room so you can enjoy more grub.

Basically, you change your calorie output or intake in and around the event, thus creating a buffer.

While I do not advise doing a bunch of what I call ‘guilt cardio’ I don’t see anything wrong with trying to increase your NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis). Doing extra cardio for me rings alarm bells. In my past I remember binge drinking and then doing very long runs the next morning, this is what I call ‘guilt cardio’. To me this is an unhealthy relationship to have with food, and in future can lead to problems. However, making sure you don’t just sit on your butt all day and actually get up and go for a walk I do agree with. For example, you have a takeaway with friends or family, instead of falling asleep on the sofa, maybe you go for a 30 minute walk.

Or during the day before the event you decide to do some housework you have been putting off, or clean the car. That way you can nail two birds with one stone, getting something productive done while giving yourself some extra buffer for the event. For me the big difference between this and doing the extra cardio work is that you don’t measure this NEAT, you are just more aware of your activity in the day, whereas with the cardio you might be tempted to think ‘Oh I must have burnt 1000 calories doing that’ and then overeat at the event, and I feel that sets you up for failure.

Another way you can create buffer is to use one of the ‘Flexible Pillars’ from Get Big, Stay Lean. I use this Pillar with all my clients, and it is moving up to 20% of your calories from one day to another. Why 20%? Well I think this is enough to give a decent amount of room, but not so much that it messes with another day. Say you’re usually on 2000 calories a day, you can take up to 400 calories and move them from one day to another, so you would consume say 1600 calories before the event and then on the day of the event 2400 calories. You could even take this a step further and spread those calories, so still having 2400 calories on the day, but taking 100 calories from 4 other days, having 1900 calories. Obviously the more calories you have to play with the more buffer this method will provide, thus someone bulking has a lot of leeway. For me that is a very easy, and sustainable approach, and gives a lot of potential buffer while keeping you right on track.

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There are many other potential ways you could give yourself buffer, like doing extra exercise. For example, you could really restrict your calories around the event, sticking to say just protein and vegetables in and around, making for very low calorie days. However, just like the exercise example, I don’t really like this because I think it doesn’t provide a healthy relationship with food. For me this sets you up for failure, you think ‘oh I’ve basically starved myself for 2 days’ and therefore binge like crazy on the day of event.

Doing ‘guilt cardio’ or ‘starvation intakes’ around these events for me is not a healthy mindset to have, I do not ever advise my clients to do it, or anyone else. I believe it sets you up for binges, because in your eyes you’re making them OK, but believe me, binging is never OK. It is an eating disorder. So if anyone tells me they’ve binged and want to do a tonne of ‘guilt cardio’ to burn it off, I tell them NO, just get back to your usual diet and activity the next day.

4) Take a Diet Deload

Next up is for those of you who may be or have been on quite a strict diet for a long period of time. You may be on really low calories, and therefore even with all of the above you’re still struggling with how to tackle eating off plan. Well, for you guys I think it may be a perfect time for a ‘diet deload’, similar to a training deload;

you’re reducing the stress to allow you to continue making progress.

So in a training deload you tend to drop volume and maybe intensity too, these are the main stressors, this then allows you to recover for further progression. So the diet deload uses the same principles, except your stress is the restraint on calories, so in this case you simply reduce this stress by eating a bit more. By taking a day off plan you give your body and mind some time to recover, refresh and therefore continue onwards with your diet. This is not an excuse for a binge, this is to prevent exactly that, to give yourself a break from dieting.

This could be used for just one meal, for example Lyle McDonald recommends free meals to be incorporated into your plan. Essentially it is one meal during the day, that would not be at home, in which you can eat what you like, and then be done with it. Get back to your diet the next day. What if it is longer than a day, well this would be more along the lines of a ‘diet break’ in which you take 1 or more weeks of eating at maintenance. This would really help your body ramp up all the things that come down during a diet, it would also give you a really nice mental break. Which of these you choose will depend on the occasion and on where you are in your diet. Just like with training deloads, they may only be one lighter session, but they could be up to a month of lighter work, it all depends on the stress accumulated before. If you’ve been training really hard for a long time, or dieting in this case, then you would probably warrant a longer deload. Personally for my clients, I tend to introduce 1-2 week long diet breaks every 3 months, and then free meals are used sparingly, because they have all the tools described above and they’re usually enough for one off events.

5) Day of Tool Kit

Right so it’s the day of the event where you’re not eating on plan. How do you go about tracking your grub? I use a lot of the tools I am going to talk about on a weekly basis, for example this weekend I am away with family in the Lake District, so eating is far from routine. Last weekend my girlfriend and I went to a food festival, there were samples from homemade cheeses to flavoured ciders, and I enjoyed it all. This weekend I’m not taking my scales weighing every portion of food, and I’m eating with family, whether it be out at a restaurant or homemade grub.

My first tool is a pre-event protein shake, or if it is a holiday or prolonged period away from home, take some protein powder. This is just handy, because protein is expensive and whereas picking up some bread is easy, finding lean protein sources isn’t. For example, when I was going to the food festival I wanted to make sure I wasn’t ravenous, so I had a protein shake before leaving. Want to make this extra filling? Add some xanthum gum, this adds fibre, will thicken up the shake and slow digestion. Another option is to have casien protein, this is very slow to digest when compared to whey protein, therefore keeping you satiated for longer. The idea of this is that you are not starving hungry when going to the occasion so you’ll be less likely to overeat, but still haven’t consumed a tonne of calories and made a massive dent in your intake for the day.

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Along the same lines is portable protein. You might think I have some sort of fetish with protein, and well you’d be right, it is awesome. Not only is it only 4kcals per gram, it is also the most satiating macronutrient. Portable protein comes in handy because sometimes you just want a snack, but most things you can easily pick up are not overly diet friendly, although you can get some very suitable bars. Such as a quest bar, they’re reasonably low in fat (sub 10g), high in fibre (around 20g) and have a decent hit of protein (20g) which makes them quite ideal when you might be lacking fibre and protein during your vacation. You might think chucking some in your suitcase is a waste of time, but for me whenever I’m away they’re a life saver.

OK so now we’re onto actually tracking on the day. So when I was at the food festival I was trying all sorts of things, and every time I had something I made a mental note. Then when I got a spare moment I would jot it down in my notepad on my phone. This enabled me once home to tot everything up. But, how did I know how much I was eating of the food and how did I workout the nutrition of the food items? Well this is where guestimation has to come into play. As said before, if you have been tracking your intake somewhat for a period of time you get a good awareness of how many calories are in things, or at least what an amount of food looks like. So I ate some random homemade cheese, I had some samples of cider and picked at some brownies. When I got home I searched for generic versions of all these that looked roughly right, we follow flexible diets and so don’t sweat the small stuff, so this is good enough. I then entered amounts that matched up with my thoughts of the foods. You could take this a step version and take a picture of everything you ate to help assist once home. Once you have come to a guestimated amount you can then fit the rest of your diet around this.

This next tool is even more flexible and is for those of you who don’t want to have to track in your notes, and try and add things up afterwards. For you guys I recommend just setting aside a good number of calories for the event. Like if you know you’re eating out, you make sure to leave yourself a good 1000 calories or so, and then choose foods that hit that allowance. This can be tricky if it is an evening event, as you might not leave sufficient room, but then you can use the ‘Flexible Pillar’ that is your 20% swaps if you wanted, thus lowing your intake the next day.

The Bigger Picture

Just remember, your diet should be flexible enough to allow you to enjoy whatever occasions come up. Sure there will be some people that doesn’t apply to, such as those in competition prep, but then you are not intending to sustain the diet you’re currently on. Most of us however are trying to somewhat sustain how we are eating now, and if we can’t we should question our diet.

My advice above is meant to allow you to enjoy your life while sticking to your diet, pick the approach above that causes you the least stress.

You may find that some tools suit different occasions, like for me if I was eating a meal out I would simply plan ahead of time, but if I was on a 2 week holiday I’d utilise tools 3, 4 and 5. However, always remember Tool Number 1; that is a Flexible Diet, which means we can slip up now and then, so long as we get back on track and we remain on track the majority of the time. So I actively encourage you to take some time off now and then, because like when you take time off training, taking a break from your diet will help you in the long run.

So there you have it, the Ultimate Eating Out Survival Guide, now you can enjoy all the food and stay on track with your nutrition. No all out binges, no food restrictions, no carrying around weighing scales required.

If you found this helpful, or think others would too, I actively encourage you to share it. If you have any questions on the above, or anything relating to health and fitness, please email me, I will respond to every single person.

Further Reading:

– [NEW] Podcast – Discussing Get Big, Stay Lean with Jay Scott. 
– [NEW] Website –
– [NEW] Blog post – Meal Frequency Part 2 
– [NEW] Fat Loss Success story – Chris Janssen 

Cameron Mitchell – ‘ensured that my training would fit around my university work’

Cameron, what were your goals when signing up with me?

Drop body fat & maintain muscle mass & strength.


What reservations if any did you have before we started working together?

First I was unsure whether I believed that I’d be able to achieve similar results to your other clients. Secondly I was unsure whether I’d cope on a student budget, with the food & supplements required etc. Finally I had exams during this time, and wasn’t sure I’d be able to give enough time to the programme to see results.

How was I able to help you with your reservations?

There was constant guidance from the beginning with every aspect of training. Steve ensured that my training would fit around my university work, and that I wouldn’t have to spend hundreds on various supplements. We also developed a good connection, which helped ensure we understood one another.

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In point form, can you list your achievements training with me thus far?

  • Dropped over a stone in a month.
  • Deadlift 1RM up 50kg.
  • Squat 1RM up 45kg.
  • Bench 1RM up 20kg.
  • Confidence inside and outside the gym has never been better.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

To anyone looking to train with Steve; he will go above and beyond what you expect. His coaching alongside the flexible dieting approach has been a game changer, half the time I didn’t even feel like I was dieting. The fat kept coming off and strength kept increasing. I am more than happy with my results.

Cameron came to me lacking confidence, and I really wanted to help. So we got him nailing the main compound lifts and dropping some unwanted fat. His consistency and dedication throughout the process were the difference between no results and his results. I am so proud of Cameron and cannot wait to see where we can go from here.

Interested in online coaching? You can check out what I have to offer here.

[High Protein] Almond Butter [Fudge]

When I was a kid I absolutely LOVED fudge.

Unfortunately, fudge isn’t the most macro friendly treat out there. Sure it’s fine to have as a treat every now and then, and could be enjoyed regularly within flexible dieting. However the macros on Fudge, when cutting, would take some severe flexibility to fit into your macro budget for the day. I tend to just avoid it all together when I’m cutting!

So I got my muscle chef hat on and came up with this.

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An almond butter, high protein, white chocolate & raspberry home made fudge. Almond butter you hear me say…

Oh yeah… I’m kind of a peanut butter addict. Infact any kind of nut butter or sweet spread I enjoy. I’m a bit obsessed I started hoarding them, building a stash, and compiled a nut butter review series (only a peanut butter addict would understand).

So to be able to combine some almond butter, white chocolate, fruit, protein aaaaaand make a fudge out of it? Winner!


  • 50g of Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (any flavour is fine, but make it whey)
  • 100g Natural Smooth Almond Butter (any nut butter will do)
  • 150ml-200ml Almond Milk (or any milk you like)
  • 15g White Chocolate Chips & 34g Dried Raspberries (to your taste/macro budget)

The Process

1 – Add your whey protein & almond butter into a mixing bowl, combine.

2 – Slowly add your almond milk, and continue to mix.

3 – Add your white chocolate & raspberries to the “mixture” and thoroughly stir in.

4 – Place the mixture onto some greese proof paper, placed onto a tray.

5 – Leave it to set in the fridge for a minimum of 1 hour.

6 – Cut & Serve

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Macronutrient Breakdown 

Per 1/6th: 10g Protein 10g Carbs 12g Fat – 190kcal

Notes about this recipe

This is such a versatile recipe, that can be experimented & tinkered with to get any number of flavours, and combinations. Here are some of my recommendations;

Different Flavoured Protein Powder

Change up the entire flavour of the fudge by changing up your protein powder. The vanilla is a good “starting point” however, you can create some really indulgent chocolate flavoured ones if you were to use chocolate flavoured protein powder.

Another suggestion I would make is to add 2 different flavours of protein powder to get a nice blend in the base flavour of the fudge.

Different Nut Butters

I prefer smooth fudge, however I know some people love it with nuts in. Swapping your smooth nut butter for a crunchy version will cover your crunchy desires.

By using a high protein nut butter, you can boost the protein content of the fudge, without having to add more protein powder and thus spoiling the consistency and ratio of the recipe.


Only remove from the fridge when you’re ready to eat. The gloopy consistency of the nut butter will quickly start to melt on your fingers and go claggy.

About Adam Foster

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 19.57.44Adam Foster is an aspiring bodybuilder, wanna-be Gordon Ramsay and all round geek. If he’s not curling in the squat rack, or watching 90’s cartoons, he can be found publishing recipes & supplement reviews on his website or uploading videos over at his Shreddybrek Youtube Channel

Follow Adam over on social at

Apples are Bad for you!

Everything you eat is bad for you!

The above statement isn’t quite true, it should read everything you eat CAN be bad for you. But, in the same way it can be bad for you, it can also be good for you. That’s right! EVERYTHING you eat can be good for you.

What’s good and what’s bad? 
To answer this you don’t look at the micronutrients the food provides, nor do you look at the macronutrients, you don’t even consider whether it is homemade or not. The key feature to making a food good or bad is looking at it within the context of the entire diet. 

Without context you cannot say something is healthy, unhealthy, good or bad. So if you ask me, ‘is this a good thing to eat?’ I will say, ‘it depends on the rest of your diet’. It seems annoying at first, can’t their just be good and bad foods. Those good foods cannot make us fat, they make us big, strong, lean, toned and all that great stuff we want. This simply isn’t the case.

Take an apple, apples are good right? They’re high in fibre, micro dense and contain few calories.

How an Apple can be bad for you
That’s right, I am going to tell you how an apple can be bad for you, yes an Apple! Right so to make this qualification you know what we need? Context.

Take Alex, he is looking to drop some fat before his holiday. Alex likes apples and he has been told they are good for him, so he grabs one whenever hungry.

In Alex’s eyes apples are always good, they can’t stop his progress. Well that is where Alex thought wrong. Sure maybe 1 or 2 apples were fine, but if Alex ate enough they would take him out of a calorie deficit and even take him into a surplus.

If Alex did this consistently apples could literally be stopping him losing weight, and could even make him gain fat, and in that case for Alex’s goals those apples were bad.

Apples can stop you losing fat and even make you gain it.

How Ice Cream can be good for you
No way, ice cream, processed, full of sugar and fat, ice cream can never be classified as good for you? Wrong. It can, given the right context. This is where what at first seemed annoying, is actually a blessing.

Take Michelle, she is also trying to drop weight. Michelle knows that she needs to be in a calorie deficit to do this. Michelle also knows that micronutrition is important, she makes sure to eat mainly wholesome, nutritious food. 80% of her diet consists of that typically ‘good’ stuff.

Michelle also knows that if she restricts herself from certain foods, she ends up breaking her diet and binging. Michelle has a sweet tooth and loves ice cream. Each day she consumes a small bowl of ice cream with berries, enough to satisfy her sweet tooth, but not so much to take her out of calorie deficit or deprive her of micronutrition. That ice cream is good!

Ice cream allows Michelle to be consistent, and is in the context of a calorie deficit and micronutrient dense diet. Ice cream can allow you to drop fat.

The Bigger Picture
Don’t miss the entire diet and lifestyle for the one off meal choices or foods. Or in other words, don’t miss the forest for the trees. That means look at the bigger picture and this means viewing these things in context. Given the right context any food can be described as good or bad, as shown above.

The Bottom Line
To make sure you are eating only foods that are good, you need to make sure they are taking you towards your goals. Everyone should be seeking to be healthy, that means you want to get in sufficient micronutrient dense foods. Once you have eaten enough of these, so long as you remain within your overall nutritional limits for your goals, you can eat anything you like.

To get a better idea about how much your body needs and what exactly each macronutrient does for you be sure to check out my articles Need to know nutritionPart 1 and Part 2.

How to [Eat Pizza Daily] & Stay Lean

Achieving Adaptability

The person who can eat anything they like, and often does, without any problems, can consume the most amazing food combinations without any issues.

This individual must have amazing metabolic health and adaptability. Everyone has this ability (bar those rare few with dietary misfortunes) to eat everything and anything, yet remain healthier than ever.

Achieving Amazing Metabolic Health

Your metabolism is a wonderful thing, it is incredibly adaptable and will change according to what it is given. It’s simply the total sum of energy burnt by our bodies. Whether it be brushing your teeth, digesting food, lifting weights or keeping you warm, all of these things add up to be your metabolism.
So how do we make our metabolisms amazing, so we can eat pizza daily? The most important thing you can do is to not restrict food intake needlessly. If you are constantly eating less than your body needs, your metabolism, being the adaptable bugger it is, will adjust downwards, meaning you will burn less total energy. So make sure to eat well, and by well I mean do not needlessly restrict intake.

Another simple addition to the above can be to move. It doesn’t need to be a load, but please avoid being sedentary for long periods of time. The largest component of our metabolic burn is our Non Exercise Activity Thermogensis or NEAT. This is the energy used for all movement outside of formal exercise, so it is the walking to the shops, cleaning our rooms and getting down in the bed room. That stuff really adds up! Stop laughing…

To take it a step further you can further ramp your metabolic rate up by implementing a few dietary changes. Protein out of all the macronutrients takes the most energy to be digested. So by changing the macro composition of our diet we can increase our metabolic rate. Also make sure you’re eating in a balanced way, that means not restricting any foods unnecessarily. Our body loves carbs, they provide the best fuel for us to perform exercise. You should be eating them if you want to get the most from your training.

And finally there is exercise, most people think that this has a dramatic impact on our total energy burn, but as I said previously NEAT is the biggest factor. However, it is an important aspect of having amazing metabolic health. I am going to start with the exercise to avoid, and that is slow, utterly boring, steady state cardio. That stuff really aint going to to do much for your metabolism. Our bodies will adapt to it in a jiffy, one month you might be burning 300 calories doing an incline walk for 30 minutes at 5mph, the next month you will definitely be burning less.

You want to be purposely increasing the intensity, volume and or distance of your chosen exercise. This way your body is continually adapting upwards, and you’ll be getting stronger and fitter. However, this is where the catch 22 comes in, now you’re fitter and stronger, that means you’ll burn less energy doing day to day activities. BUT, you can now perform at higher intensities, recover faster and handle more work all of which leads to burning more calories. Don’t over think it, do exercise, make sure to get outside of your comfort zone. 

So now you have the knowledge of how to get amazing metabolic health, how do you go about achieving amazing adaptability?

Amazing Adaptability

Remember how I said our bodies are incredibly adaptable? This can work against us, I am going to show you how. If you eat an all vegetable diet, you will adapt to that, if you eat an all meat diet, you’ll adapt to that. If you eat an all raw food diet, you will get sick if you consume cooked food. If you want to consume wonderful worldly combinations of any food and remain healthy, you need to adapt to the modern food environment and be able to handle pretty much anything.

Do you really want to feel like crap when you eat out, or go to a friends for dinner because you’re not eating your special diet food? On the other hand, do you want to get stomach ache when you eat any sort of vegetable, due to only being used to eating processed food? No of course not. You want to be healthy, and have it all.The number of people who can eat whatever they want without becoming fat or ill doesn’t need to be just a ‘lucky’ few.

How do we get to that point? It really is simple; be sure to eat a diet that is varied, that means it includes processed foods, high fibre foods, calorie dense foods, low GI carbs, high GI carbs, you get the picture.

Now You are an Adaptable Metabolic Animal

If you follow the above, you will have the digestive and metabolic machinery to annihilate anything. You want to do your best to feed yourself well, be active and eat a varied diet that consists of mainly wholesome nutritious foods but with the occasional meal out, bowl of ice cream and take away pizza.

Go eat some great food, get out of breath, enjoy life and #ReviveStronger

Further Reading:

Hannah Davies – ‘adapted things to suit me’

Hannah, what were your goals when signing up with me?

I wanted to gain control over my eating habits and go onto a productive training programme.

What reservations if any did you have before we started working together?

I was worried that I may become obsessed with my eating and feel stressed by this. Furthermore, due to handing over control of my training, which I love I was worried I would enjoy it less.


How was I able to help you with your reservations?

Initially when we started I began tracking macro’s, however this brought out feelings of obsession and stressed me out. You were able to produce a system that stopped me stressing and kept my nutrition on point.

Also when developing my training programme you discussed with me your suggestions and allowed me to have my own input. I could then incorporate some of the exercises I love.

In point form, can you list your achievements training with me thus far?

  • Control over my eating.
  • Furthered my education in regards to nutrition.
  • Faster progress in the gym, seeing positive strength increases.

I have really enjoyed working with Hannah, she presented new challenges that I had not encountered before. We got round these challenges together by developing a method of nutrition that she could understand, do easily and still be accountable towards. Furthermore, we made sure that her training was productive but also importantly something she would enjoy doing. I have seen Hannah become more and more confident in both aspects and I am very proud of what we have achieved to date.

Interested in online coaching? You can check out what I have to offer here.

‘Macro Friendly’ Protein Brownies

This is another one of those ‘I bloody love that food, but it just doesn’t really fit in my diet’ recipes. I aint gonna lie, brownies are amazing, sugar, butter, chocolate, all the chocolate, they’re delicious, soft, gooey. Just yum. But one little brownie can set you back 300 calories and normally 15g of fat and minimal protein or micronutrition. So this is one of those recipes, where obviously it isn’t as good as the real thing, but it isn’t bad either, and it is full of goodness.


What you’ll need:

  • 100ml Skimmed Milk (any liquid would do)
  • 20g Protein Powder (I recommend a whey or mixed protein)
  • 240g black beans (any bean will work)
  • 30g Philidelphia Lightest (optional)
  • 45g Flour (can be reduced)
  • 1 Medium Egg (can be switched to egg whites)
  • 5g Cocoa Powder (optional)
  • 4g Baking Powder
  • Sweetener of your choosing
  • Additional goodies e.g. oreos, chocolate chunks, kitkat (optional but a no brainer)

Healthy Brownie

How To Do It:

  1. Add all the ingredients to a blender and BUZZ.
  2. Add all ingredients to a lined baking tray.
  3. Cook in a 200 degree oven for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Take it out and delve a knife into the middle of it, if it comes out pretty much clean, you’re good to go.
  5. Leave to cool.

Healthy Brownie

What You’re Getting From It:

  • A massive brownie.
  • 42g Protein, 55g Carbohydrates, 14g Fat (18g Fibre) – 532Kcal (without additional goodies)
  • Eggs ‘natures multivitamin’ containing antioxidants helping protect our eyes, choline a powerful nutrient for brain function and a high quality amino profile.
  • Beans one of the best natural sources of fibre on the planet. I recommend everyone gets a minimum of 25g of fibre, and in general 10% of their total carb intake (eating 300g of carbs, get in 30g of fibre minimum).

If you liked this you will want to check out the following:

If you enjoyed this or any of the above please share the love!

The Oatmeal Series – The Cherry Bakewell

Almonds, oats and cherry a great mix of flavours and textures. A bit cherry bakewell tart esq. but something you could probably eat on a more regular basis. I introduce to you Cherry Bakewell Oats!

cherry almond oats

What you’ll need:

70g Oats, 2 Cups of water, tsp almond essence, tsp vanilla essence, 12g flaked almonds, 30g Cherry Fruit Spread, sweetener of choice.

How To Do It:

  1. Cook the oats and water on a high heat on the stove until simmering for a few minutes.
  2. Add the vanilla and almond essence.
  3. Once incorporated cook until desired thickness.
  4. Serve in a bowl and stir in your Cherry Spread and top with the Almonds!

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What You’re Getting From It:

  • 11g Protein, 59g Carbohydrates, 12g Fat (9g Fibre) – 423Kcal
  • Oats – more protein than popular cereals, damn cheap, high in fibre and full of vitamins and minerals.
  • Almonds – rich in monosaturated fat, shown to be beneficial for heart health and cancer reduction.

Remember whether or not the above is healthy or not depends on the context of your diet and your goals. It could be within a fat loss diet, a bulking diet or someone just looking to maintain. What matters most is whether it fits within your calorie and macronutrient needs. You can learn more about you Macro’s here where I talk about your Macro Budget.

The Powerlifting Newb Series – Part 2 – Picking your attempts

So in Part 1 you got to see how the day went and some key lessons I learnt; make a plan, know the process and stay composed. I am going to touch on each of these in more detail to help the new powerlifter out.

First things first, I want you to have a plan of what numbers you are going to attempt for each lift. The only numbers set in stone are the openers, all the others can change on the day, but we will have a plan for that too. Using the below you will a guide that will get you a 100% success rate and give you the best chance of doing well in your meet.

What Weight?

Right, so you have been training with a meet in mind for many weeks or months. All the hard work you have put in is being put to the test on this one day. Hopefully you have been increasing your intensity slowly and have built up a good amount of volume prior to the meet. The last few weeks should have got you pretty well prepared for shifting heavy weights.

In the video below you can see how I recorded my main lifts and noted down how each set was feeling, information and footage like this is very helpful when picking your lifts.

Using your training notes you can look over the sort of weights you were achieving for a given number of reps, you can use these to look at what you estimated 1 rep maxes might look like. This will give you a good idea of what you 1 rep max on the day might be.

Rep Max Calculator

This gives you your starting point, you have your estimated 1 rep maxes. They give you a range to work from, you can set yourself a minimum and maximum for each lift. That way you know if you’re feeling crummy on the day you have a minimum you can hit and if you’re feeling super you have a maximum to aim for.

Picking Your Opener

The way I see it is that your opener is just an extension of your warm up. So this should definitely be something sub-maximal and shouldn’t take away from your next attempts. This is the only lift you have to hand in before you start, so you cannot judge how your warm up is going to give you an indication of how this lift might go. Therefore, it makes even more sense to pick something you can hit any day of the week come rain or shine. 

Squat Opener PowerliftingThis should be a weight you could hit hungover wearing the clothes you had on during your night out. That means no belt, no lifting shoes, no chalk, you get the picture; no chance of failure. Furthermore, because it will be easy it will give you confidence for your next lifts going forward.

So because everyone likes rules of thumb;

  • Your opener should be 80% of your final attempt (1 Rep Maximum).
  • A piece of pie, whether hungover or not.

Picking Your Second Attempt

So after killing your first opener you’re ready for your second attempt. Again, we are going in with the mindset of hitting every single lift. Because, a missed attempt is as good as wiping your ass with cling film. Messy, uncomfortable, embarrassing and an all round epic fail. So 9/9 is our aim, therefore the second attempt is again something we are confident about hitting.

However, you have the first attempt to help guide you here. My advise is to have a couple of options before you get to your meet, have a feeling shitty option and a feeling good option. If your opener felt a bit slow, then opt for the feeling shitty second attempt, if it felt like it should, easy, then go for the feeling good option. Too many options will only leave you second guessing, if things are going to plan, you should be feeling good, it will be pretty clear if things aren’t.

Bench powerlifting

Either way this lift again should be a no-brainer, not dead easy but not hard either. Something you could hit for a 2-3 rep max on a good day and hit for a single when you feel like utter crap.

Right so how do you go about picking these two?

  • Feeling shitty 85% of your final attempt (1 Rep Maximum).
  • Feeling good 90% of your final attempt (1 Rep Maximum).
  • Something you could hit for a triple on a good day.

Picking Your Final Attempt

Right so now you are in a great position, whether you’re feeling good or not, you will have so far succeeded in getting every attempt, 6/6, good job! So using the 1 rep max calculator and your lifting history you have an idea of what you should be able to hit. Again I suggest having a feeling crummy attempt and a feeling good number.

Screen Shot 2015-05-08 at 19.57.18

As a rule of thumb set your final attempt at:

  • 100 – 102.5% of your estimated 1RM.

Remember, we are going for 9/9, and especially because this is written for the powerlifting newb we are assuming a lack of meet experience. Therefore, you do not know whether you bloom under the competitive environment or crumble. It’s like those kids who know all the answers to the questions in lessons, and do well on their course work, but when it comes to exam conditions they suck. We therefore have little meet history to go off, so we are going to be conservative. As said before, a missed lift is useless, so we don’t want any second guessing.

The Take Home Message

If it wasn’t clear by now the take home from the above is that you want to avoid missing lifts. As someone new to powerlifting you want to be especially conservative, and learn from the process. Having a plan allows you to have better focus on the day, plus by having a minimum and a maximum you have a great way of selecting weights on the day, because who knows how you might be feeling.

In the parts to follow I will talk more about each lift, nutrition, weighing in and all the details of the meet day.

One Shocking Reason You’re Not Losing Weight!

One small blip, that can blunt fat loss…

This was inspired by one of my online clients, we have been working together for 2 months. She was new to counting macronutrients and dieting flexibly. So initially as expected there was a break-in period before she was getting within her programmed macro ranges. However, even with this she should have still been in a calorie deficit, given her activity and overall intake. But, she was not losing weight. Sound familiar? Frustrating right?

scale weight fluctuations meme Even with small manipulations downwards of her overall intake and incremental additions of cardio, her weight still didn’t budge. Of course weight is not always entirely accurate, but her waist wasn’t moving much and she expressed that her body had not changed in composition. We had no reason to believe her metabolism was low, she didn’t have a history of excess exercise in comparison to total calories. So building her metabolic rate up (like I have had to do for many female clients) didn’t seem like the answer.

So logic was clearly failing me as a coach, she was tracking her macro intake, she was completing her exercise and these two things should have resulted in positive changes to her body composition. And this ladies and gentlemen is where I am going to let you in on the ONE SHOCKING reason she was not losing weight. It is so simple but so so very essential to a successful diet.
scale weight fluctuations meme So what did I do, well I asked a few of my fellow coaches, told them about the above situation. We had lengthy discussions and came to the conclusion that she may beunderreporting her food intake. But, how do you really assess such a thing? I couldn’t accuse my client of not tracking everything, as she certainly thought she was. So I asked for access to her myfitnesspal, and this is where I found my answer.

She was underreporting, but not on purpose. How do you underreport by accident? Well the below video by one of my favourite fitness pros, Leigh Peele, shows you how here. Watched it? Did you really watch it? Good because I think it is a good reminder for everyone. If you didn’t watch it I am going to recap it here anyway, because it is really so darn simple but an easy trap to fall into.

Instead of using a scale to measure out her oats, vegetables and sauces, she was using cups, and spoon measures. These are MUCH less accurate, especially for someone who is new to tracking their macros. If you watched the video you can see how the inaccuracies can really add up and in this case stop you losing fat. However, if you were using them to maintain weight, they could easily lead to fat gain. On top of this my client was also using very generic measures, such as half a banana, think about that for a second. How big is this banana? They can really vary in length, and so to be really precise we are better off weighing this out.
serving size
Think, a 200 calorie discrepancy in a day could lead to 1400 calories not accounted for by the end of the week, and over a month that is 5600 calories. If that individual was trying to maintain weight, and we assume 3500 calories is equal to a pound of fat, they would gain just over 1 and a half pounds of fat. Over the course of the year, this could lead to close to 20 pounds of extra weight gained. Told you it was shocking, not just the fact it is such a simple mistake, but how easily it adds up!

You might now be thinking, ‘does this mean I have to weigh every little thing!?!…that isn’t very flexible’ and well you’d be right, you do and although flexible in food choice, you do need to be precise about things. However, there is part of the learning curve, at first you are a newb, you don’t know what 100g of oats looks like, or what 150g of apple looks like. But soon enough, after weighing these things out, you will get to know, and here is where the real flexibility and lifestyle change comes. You graduate to guestimation, this may take some people a few weeks, for others it might take months. But you’ll get there. I will note there are times when you probably shouldn’t guestimate, but that is a small % of the population, those trying to get to extreme levels of conditioning. For those just looking to drop some extra fat, you’ll be able to guestimate, and it becomes a life skill.

So if you track your macros, or even just your calories and have never used a scale for everything, you might want to try it out, it may well SHOCK you into losing fat 😉 #REVIVESTRONGER