[High Protein] Almond Butter [Fudge]

When I was a kid I absolutely LOVED fudge.

Unfortunately, fudge isn’t the most macro friendly treat out there. Sure it’s fine to have as a treat every now and then, and could be enjoyed regularly within flexible dieting. However the macros on Fudge, when cutting, would take some severe flexibility to fit into your macro budget for the day. I tend to just avoid it all together when I’m cutting!

So I got my muscle chef hat on and came up with this.

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An almond butter, high protein, white chocolate & raspberry home made fudge. Almond butter you hear me say…

Oh yeah… I’m kind of a peanut butter addict. Infact any kind of nut butter or sweet spread I enjoy. I’m a bit obsessed I started hoarding them, building a stash, and compiled a nut butter review series (only a peanut butter addict would understand).

So to be able to combine some almond butter, white chocolate, fruit, protein aaaaaand make a fudge out of it? Winner!


  • 50g of Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (any flavour is fine, but make it whey)
  • 100g Natural Smooth Almond Butter (any nut butter will do)
  • 150ml-200ml Almond Milk (or any milk you like)
  • 15g White Chocolate Chips & 34g Dried Raspberries (to your taste/macro budget)

The Process

1 – Add your whey protein & almond butter into a mixing bowl, combine.

2 – Slowly add your almond milk, and continue to mix.

3 – Add your white chocolate & raspberries to the “mixture” and thoroughly stir in.

4 – Place the mixture onto some greese proof paper, placed onto a tray.

5 – Leave it to set in the fridge for a minimum of 1 hour.

6 – Cut & Serve

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Macronutrient Breakdown 

Per 1/6th: 10g Protein 10g Carbs 12g Fat – 190kcal

Notes about this recipe

This is such a versatile recipe, that can be experimented & tinkered with to get any number of flavours, and combinations. Here are some of my recommendations;

Different Flavoured Protein Powder

Change up the entire flavour of the fudge by changing up your protein powder. The vanilla is a good “starting point” however, you can create some really indulgent chocolate flavoured ones if you were to use chocolate flavoured protein powder.

Another suggestion I would make is to add 2 different flavours of protein powder to get a nice blend in the base flavour of the fudge.

Different Nut Butters

I prefer smooth fudge, however I know some people love it with nuts in. Swapping your smooth nut butter for a crunchy version will cover your crunchy desires.

By using a high protein nut butter, you can boost the protein content of the fudge, without having to add more protein powder and thus spoiling the consistency and ratio of the recipe.


Only remove from the fridge when you’re ready to eat. The gloopy consistency of the nut butter will quickly start to melt on your fingers and go claggy.

About Adam Foster

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 19.57.44Adam Foster is an aspiring bodybuilder, wanna-be Gordon Ramsay and all round geek. If he’s not curling in the squat rack, or watching 90’s cartoons, he can be found publishing recipes & supplement reviews on his website http://www.cheapproteindiscountcodes.co.uk or uploading videos over at his Shreddybrek Youtube Channel http://www.youtube.com/shreddybrek

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