GSD (Get Sh*t Done)

Finding your WHY

I cannot stress enough just how important it is to know why you do things. Especially those that require daily habits and actions. Why? Because, if you do not know why you are doing something that requires daily actions, you won’t do it for long.When it comes to fitness and health, we all know how key consistency is to achieving what we want.

So my question to you is why are you careful with your nutrition, why do you train, why do you even want the body you want? It is an important question, and one many of us haven’t considered.

Once you have your why you have great power. You have the power to demolish your workouts every day. You have the power not to miss a session. You have the power to eat well and be consistent with your nutrition. This is because anytime you find yourself swaying, or motivation is lacking, you can come back to your why.

During my contest prep I continually questioned WHY? Why am I putting myself through hours of horrible cardio. Why do I want to take my body to unhealthily low body fat levels. There were times I was unbelievably hungry, tired and just wanted to give up. Imagine if I didn’t know why I even wanted to compete, I wouldn’t get very far would I? I found my why and it drives me, day in, day out and will continue to do so.

What’s my why?
On my blog I wrote about how I got into fitness and health, and how an interest developed into a passion, this can be viewed here.

In short, I know what it is like to be lost, unhappy with your body, confused about how to train, how to eat, demotivated, actually depressed. What begun as a pursuit to give myself confidence developed into a passion, a passion of discovery. I find the human body and its ability to adapt simply amazing. I have seen my body go from near death, and then built up and developed a strong and muscular physique.

My own development is almost like an experiment. I use my own nutrition and training to learn about the human body, so that I can take these experiences, along with the scientific literature, to help others who are frustrated or unhappy with where they are currently. My goal and why I do what I do is to help others achieve their goals, and so they too can revive stronger.