Ryan Synnott- ‘completely changed my outlook on dieting and nutrition as a whole’

I have been working with Ryan for the past 12 weeks, it’s been a pleasure seeing someone who is incredibly dedicated to my coaching but also balancing it with other commitments.  Ryan is a University student, so obviously there are the occasional nights out, lots of studying accompanied with partying. I’ve been there and it makes being consistent with the gym and nutrition very hard, I used my experiences and my knowledge today to make it as easy as possible for Ryan.

To date he has lost over 20lbs and looks great for it. His strength has also shot up, especially on the lower body lifts, mainly thanks to an increase in frequency, but also due to correct periodisation. Lets have a look at his lifts:

Week 1- Best Lifts at 226lbs : 

  • Bench – 120kg x 4
  • Squat – 140kg x 7
  • Deadlift – 160kg x 5
  • Total: 2260kg
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Ryan Benching – follow him on IG

Week 12- Best Lifts at 205lbs:

  • Bench – 115kg x 6
  • Squat – 140kg x 7
  • Deadlift – 185kg x 5
  • Total: 2595kg

Ryan saw more than a 10% increase in strength, at more than 10% lower bodyweight!

So lets have a look at what he is looking like:

Screen Shot 2014-05-30 at 10.26.32I am extremely proud of Ryan, he has been the perfect client, asking a lot of questions, getting whats needed done and not stressing over the small stuff. What makes me incredibly happy is his own thoughts on my coaching:

‘Steve would take you past all plateaus, make you understand nutrition, exercise form and things you hadn’t even thought about in the past. Steve has completely changed my outlook on dieting and nutrition as a whole. I’m the strongest I have ever been pound for pound, and that’s thanks to the routines I have followed, with the weekly adjustments and monitoring provided by Steve. Steve is the best supplement I have ever used!’

All that’s left for Ryan is to get him even more ripped for his holiday!

Client Update:

4 Months, over 2 stone lost, Ryan is looking better than ever!

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