The Supplement All Hardgainers Need

Struggling to gain weight? You need to consume more calories. Simple fact is, if you are not consuming more than you are burning, you ain’t gonna put on size son. I have found the ultimate solution to every hardgainers problem; sugar laden soft drinks. Fruit juices, ‘full fat’ Coke, none of that ‘diet’ sugar free rubbish.

If I catch any dude in the gym who says ‘I eat loads but never put on weight’ I am gonna hand them a coke. Why?


1) Sugary soft drinks contain a lot of calories. As said before you need to consume more calories than you burn if you want to gain weight. Liquid calories such as those from fruit juices or even better lucozade are very easy to consume and they are macronutrient dense.

2) They have no impact on our appetite. Studies have shown that people who drank full fat variety soft drinks didn’t compensate by eating less later on. That means they ate what they normally would and had these drinks on top of that. For the hard gainer this is mega handy, it means you can effortlessly increase your calorie intake.

3) Sugar sweetened soft drinks can increase our consumption. Yup they can actually make you eat more than you normally would, a double whammy for weight gain. Studies have even shown that if you feed people the same number of calories in sweet form rather than sugary drink form you’ll compensate and eat less. So as a hard gainer you are better off drinking your sugar than eating it.


So there you have it, sugary drinks are not just easy to consume in addition to our diet, they actually make us eat even more. Hence why they are the hardgainers solution, they ultimately will lead to weight gain.

What can we learn from the above?

Sugary drinks if awesome for hardgainers, those actively seeking to put on weight, who have a hard time eating enough, are therefore pretty awful for the rest of us.

1) They are ’empty calories’. They provide zero micronutrition, unless of course you opt for a fruit juice, but you would still be better off eating the whole fruit. Plus by eating the whole fruit you get fibre, which is very important for a healthy digestive system.


2) We don’t get any fullness from them. I suspect due to the lack of fibre and the ease of digestion our bodies don’t compensate for their consumption. This means we could easily end up over consuming total calories for the day and putting on weight.

The Solution

Right now I hope if you are a hardgainer you are sipping on a can of Coke, but anyone else reading this you are hopefully thinking sugary drinks are a no no. However, there are some ways around this fact.

1) If you track your nutrition they can be incorporated. The fact is our bodies might not be good for compensating for the sugary drink, but if you actively track your calorie intake then you will force a compensation. This is how a lot of my online clients drop fat, gain muscle and get in terrific shape, we track our nutrition. This also means we can enjoy everything and everything, just not always the amount we want. This approach to dieting is called flexible dieting or some know it as IIFYM (if it fits your macros).

2) Milk does get compensated for. Any liquid drink that contains milk or milk proteins has shown to be the equivalent to food. So our bodies do compensate for those calories by eating less. So please do not stop drinking milk.


3) Drink diet drinks. In the video below, that I made years ago and probably look and sound like an idiot, I explain how the current scientific studies don’t show any reason why we cannot drink diet sodas in moderation. Personally I drink a can of Pepsi Max once or twice a day. This also gives us a solution to those who currently drink sugary drinks and want to lose weight. Switch to a diet variety. A simple switch of 2 cans of Coke vs. Diet Coke would save you around 300 calories, if you drank 2 a day, over the course of a week that would save you 2100 calories, enough to spur weight loss.

Further Reading:

– If you want to gain Lean Muscle mass effectively or Lose Fat guaranteed then these two articles will get you in the right place Need to know nutrition Part 1 Need to know nutrition Part 2 Practical Application.

– If you want to know how anything can be health or healthy given the right context then this article is for you The Importance of Context.

What we can learn from stinky cheese

Who Moved My Cheese?

Recently my dad recommended I read the book Who Moved my Cheese? He said it really opened his eyes, and thought I would benefit from it. So having just read the book, it did really make me think, and now I want to share it with you.

Imagine something you love, hold onto and cherish, this is your cheese. You work hard for this thing you care for so dearly, and feel you deserve it because of this.

Now imagine a situation in which the cheese is no longer there. No more cheese. It isn’t coming back, you can’t work harder to bring it back. It has gone, vanished, poof no more cheese.

What do you do? – this is the killer question.
I’m going to make it super easy and give you the answer right here: search out new cheese, life moves on and so should we. Sure we love our old cheese, it brought happiness.

Finding new cheese will be scary, but this is short lived. Trust me, the longer you leave hoping your cheese will return, the harder and scarier it will become. So act sooner rather than later. Once you move past fear, you’ll feel free and will enjoy yourself much more.

Plus you can make this process much easier on yourself. You can keep smelling your cheese, reassessing the situation as you go. By being proactive you will make finding new cheese dead easy. You will be ahead of the pack, and find better cheese.

Embrace change, just think change brings the potential of better things. Think you have it good now, you love that cheese, but think of a better cheese. By imagining yourself with new, better cheese, you will lead yourself to it.

Think about being productive, not just active. Sure consistency is brilliant, but if you consistently do something that is bringing no results, your simply being active for the sake of being active. However, if you change your ways, and make all your activity move you closer to new cheese, you’re being productive.

So who the hell cares who moved the cheese? Because, living in the past will not bring it back. Finding out who moved the cheese won’t bring it back. The cheese has gone. Search out new cheese, because life moves on and so should we.

I will tell you something, having someone to guide you to your new cheese can help a lot. Imagine the cheese is the body you always wanted, no doubt every time you reach that killer bod, you want more. A coach can lead you to that new cheese much faster, and will make sure you are proactive and productive in all your actions.

‘Macro Friendly’ Protein Brownies

This is another one of those ‘I bloody love that food, but it just doesn’t really fit in my diet’ recipes. I aint gonna lie, brownies are amazing, sugar, butter, chocolate, all the chocolate, they’re delicious, soft, gooey. Just yum. But one little brownie can set you back 300 calories and normally 15g of fat and minimal protein or micronutrition. So this is one of those recipes, where obviously it isn’t as good as the real thing, but it isn’t bad either, and it is full of goodness.


What you’ll need:

  • 100ml Skimmed Milk (any liquid would do)
  • 20g Protein Powder (I recommend a whey or mixed protein)
  • 240g black beans (any bean will work)
  • 30g Philidelphia Lightest (optional)
  • 45g Flour (can be reduced)
  • 1 Medium Egg (can be switched to egg whites)
  • 5g Cocoa Powder (optional)
  • 4g Baking Powder
  • Sweetener of your choosing
  • Additional goodies e.g. oreos, chocolate chunks, kitkat (optional but a no brainer)

Healthy Brownie

How To Do It:

  1. Add all the ingredients to a blender and BUZZ.
  2. Add all ingredients to a lined baking tray.
  3. Cook in a 200 degree oven for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Take it out and delve a knife into the middle of it, if it comes out pretty much clean, you’re good to go.
  5. Leave to cool.

Healthy Brownie

What You’re Getting From It:

  • A massive brownie.
  • 42g Protein, 55g Carbohydrates, 14g Fat (18g Fibre) – 532Kcal (without additional goodies)
  • Eggs ‘natures multivitamin’ containing antioxidants helping protect our eyes, choline a powerful nutrient for brain function and a high quality amino profile.
  • Beans one of the best natural sources of fibre on the planet. I recommend everyone gets a minimum of 25g of fibre, and in general 10% of their total carb intake (eating 300g of carbs, get in 30g of fibre minimum).

If you liked this you will want to check out the following:

If you enjoyed this or any of the above please share the love!

The Oatmeal Series – The Cherry Bakewell

Almonds, oats and cherry a great mix of flavours and textures. A bit cherry bakewell tart esq. but something you could probably eat on a more regular basis. I introduce to you Cherry Bakewell Oats!

cherry almond oats

What you’ll need:

70g Oats, 2 Cups of water, tsp almond essence, tsp vanilla essence, 12g flaked almonds, 30g Cherry Fruit Spread, sweetener of choice.

How To Do It:

  1. Cook the oats and water on a high heat on the stove until simmering for a few minutes.
  2. Add the vanilla and almond essence.
  3. Once incorporated cook until desired thickness.
  4. Serve in a bowl and stir in your Cherry Spread and top with the Almonds!

cherry almond oats zoom

What You’re Getting From It:

  • 11g Protein, 59g Carbohydrates, 12g Fat (9g Fibre) – 423Kcal
  • Oats – more protein than popular cereals, damn cheap, high in fibre and full of vitamins and minerals.
  • Almonds – rich in monosaturated fat, shown to be beneficial for heart health and cancer reduction.

Remember whether or not the above is healthy or not depends on the context of your diet and your goals. It could be within a fat loss diet, a bulking diet or someone just looking to maintain. What matters most is whether it fits within your calorie and macronutrient needs. You can learn more about you Macro’s here where I talk about your Macro Budget.

The Oatmeal Series – Reeses Cup

So this one is a bit epic, because Reeses Cups. Chocolate and peanut butter, what better combination? Again, this oatmeal recipe gets you some great wholesome nutrition, but also some sweetness. That’s a win, win in my book.

Reeses Cup Oats

What you’ll need:

70g Oats, 2 Cups of water, 25g Chocolate Protein Powder (I used MyProtein Impact whey), half a banana (roughly 50g), 20g peanut butter. You may add some extra sweetener and cocoa powder too.

How To Do It:

  1. Cook the oats and water on a high heat on the stove until simmering for a few minutes.
  2. Add the finely chopped banana, reducing the heat and whip it into the mixture, you may need to smush the banana against the sides of the pan.
  3. Once incorporated cook until its just a littler thinner than desired thickness and add the protein powder, as this will thicken the mixture up.
  4. Serve in a bowl and top with your choice of peanut butter!

Reeses Cup Oats

What You’re Getting From It:

  • 33g Protein, 59g Carbohydrates, 17g Fat (9g Fibre) – 531Kcal
  • Oats – more protein than popular cereals, damn cheap, high in fibre and full of vitamins and minerals.
  • Peanut butter – they have about as many antioxidants as strawberries and blackberries, which aint bad for a nut (actually a bean, but hey).
  • Whey protein – cos everyone loves protein, the building block of muscle, essential for life. Highly satiating, great amino profile and highly bio-available (meaning we get a lot of good stuff from it).

Reeses Cup Oats

Having recipes like these are handy, because we all get bored of eating the same thing day in day out. This isn’t just full wholesome foods, it’s also incredibly tasty. What I would note is that you should customise the recipe to fit you and your goals. Need more fats? You could use almond milk, or even add some real chocolate. Need less fats? Switch peanut butter for a powdered peanut butter variety. Want less protein? Reduce the amount of whey used. Need more protein? switch water for milk. You get the picture, this meal is only good for you if it fits within your dietary needs.

Oh and if you make this, be sure to tag #ReviveStronger, so I gets to see the loveliness.

One Shocking Reason You’re Not Losing Weight!

One small blip, that can blunt fat loss…

This was inspired by one of my online clients, we have been working together for 2 months. She was new to counting macronutrients and dieting flexibly. So initially as expected there was a break-in period before she was getting within her programmed macro ranges. However, even with this she should have still been in a calorie deficit, given her activity and overall intake. But, she was not losing weight. Sound familiar? Frustrating right?

scale weight fluctuations meme Even with small manipulations downwards of her overall intake and incremental additions of cardio, her weight still didn’t budge. Of course weight is not always entirely accurate, but her waist wasn’t moving much and she expressed that her body had not changed in composition. We had no reason to believe her metabolism was low, she didn’t have a history of excess exercise in comparison to total calories. So building her metabolic rate up (like I have had to do for many female clients) didn’t seem like the answer.

So logic was clearly failing me as a coach, she was tracking her macro intake, she was completing her exercise and these two things should have resulted in positive changes to her body composition. And this ladies and gentlemen is where I am going to let you in on the ONE SHOCKING reason she was not losing weight. It is so simple but so so very essential to a successful diet.
scale weight fluctuations meme So what did I do, well I asked a few of my fellow coaches, told them about the above situation. We had lengthy discussions and came to the conclusion that she may beunderreporting her food intake. But, how do you really assess such a thing? I couldn’t accuse my client of not tracking everything, as she certainly thought she was. So I asked for access to her myfitnesspal, and this is where I found my answer.

She was underreporting, but not on purpose. How do you underreport by accident? Well the below video by one of my favourite fitness pros, Leigh Peele, shows you how here. Watched it? Did you really watch it? Good because I think it is a good reminder for everyone. If you didn’t watch it I am going to recap it here anyway, because it is really so darn simple but an easy trap to fall into.

Instead of using a scale to measure out her oats, vegetables and sauces, she was using cups, and spoon measures. These are MUCH less accurate, especially for someone who is new to tracking their macros. If you watched the video you can see how the inaccuracies can really add up and in this case stop you losing fat. However, if you were using them to maintain weight, they could easily lead to fat gain. On top of this my client was also using very generic measures, such as half a banana, think about that for a second. How big is this banana? They can really vary in length, and so to be really precise we are better off weighing this out.
serving size
Think, a 200 calorie discrepancy in a day could lead to 1400 calories not accounted for by the end of the week, and over a month that is 5600 calories. If that individual was trying to maintain weight, and we assume 3500 calories is equal to a pound of fat, they would gain just over 1 and a half pounds of fat. Over the course of the year, this could lead to close to 20 pounds of extra weight gained. Told you it was shocking, not just the fact it is such a simple mistake, but how easily it adds up!

You might now be thinking, ‘does this mean I have to weigh every little thing!?!…that isn’t very flexible’ and well you’d be right, you do and although flexible in food choice, you do need to be precise about things. However, there is part of the learning curve, at first you are a newb, you don’t know what 100g of oats looks like, or what 150g of apple looks like. But soon enough, after weighing these things out, you will get to know, and here is where the real flexibility and lifestyle change comes. You graduate to guestimation, this may take some people a few weeks, for others it might take months. But you’ll get there. I will note there are times when you probably shouldn’t guestimate, but that is a small % of the population, those trying to get to extreme levels of conditioning. For those just looking to drop some extra fat, you’ll be able to guestimate, and it becomes a life skill.

So if you track your macros, or even just your calories and have never used a scale for everything, you might want to try it out, it may well SHOCK you into losing fat 😉 #REVIVESTRONGER

The Oatmeal Series – Carrot Cake

Breakfast, whether you regard it as the most important meal of the day, the most boring meal of the day or just a meal. You will end up having something, and I think a lot of people end up finding they go to the same things over and over again. One for me is oats, so to keep things interesting I like to pimp them up.

So I have for you the Oatmeal series, for which the main ingredient will be our beloved oats. If you love oats, you will love this series, if you hate them, you will probably find this series will help you discover a way to eat them that you enjoy. Don’t get me wrong, you definitely don’t have to eat oats, but they are cheap and versatile.

What You’ll Need:

70g Oats, 2 Cups of water, 1/2 Cup of grated carrot, half a banana chopped, tsp vanilla essence, tsp cinnamon, sweetener, 100g Greek Yoghurt, 10g Walnuts.

Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 09.47.15

How To Do It:

  1. Add the oats, water and salt to the pan and cook on a high heat, once simmering add the chopped banana and carrot, keep stirring and reduce the heat, mashing the banana against the sides is a good way to incorporate it quickly.
  2. Once thickened reduce the heat further and cool till your favoured consistency, then add the vanilla, sweetener and cinnamon.
  3. During the cooking process you can prepare your icing, for this add the Greek Yoghurt and Vanilla essence to a bowl and mix up, I prepared it the night before. Simply put your Oaty Carrot Cake into a bowl and dollop on the icing.
  4. Sprinkle over the Walnuts and there you have it Carrot Cake with Icing.


What You’re Getting From It:

  • 22g Protein, 65g Carbohydrates, 13g Fat (12g Fibre) – 467Kcal
  • Banana- great source of potassium.
  • Carrot- full of Beta Carotine along with many vitamins and minerals.
  • Walnuts- full of Omega 3s keeping you healthy (still take your fish oils!).
  • Cinnamon- this has always been a winner for me, great replacement for sugar and calorie free.
  • Greek Yoghurt- higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than other yoghurts and 100% natural, I use Fage 0% that you can get from any typical supermarket.

I love changing up my oats, so do my clients. Because we allow our diets to be flexible, we can swap and change foods all the time, we can eat anything we want and get great results. This is whether they are powerlifters, natural bodybuilders, mens physique competitors or just guys and gals who want to drop fat. Our diets are inclusive, and the only restrictions in place are ones that have to be to get results, calories.

Ted Hill – ‘in 4 months I got into the best shape of my life and was the strongest I’ve ever been’

Ted, what were your goals when signing up with me?

Gain lean muscle mass and become significantly stronger, especially on the squat, bench and deadlift. Also help in rehabilitating my rowing back injury, preventing me squatting and deadlifting.


What reservations if any did you have before we started working together?

I was slightly concerned about how flexible my life at university would be, especially with regards to eating meals prepared by my housemates, and going on nights out whilst drinking.

How was I able to help you with your reservations?

The IIFYM approach was clearly broken down to me be Steve and by understanding the method of dieting I felt confident enough to undertake the new lifestyle. Even when I got it wrong in the early stages Steve went about informing me and explaining how to improve next time – Like how to go about incorporating alcohol into my diet.

In point form, can you list your achievements training with me thus far?

  • Gained lean muscle mass
  • Increased strength
  • Fully recovered from previous injuries
  • Prepped successfully for a cat walk
  • In 4 months my total on the big three went up 142.5kg or a 49% increase.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Steve has genuinely transformed my approach to gym and dieting. I have never seen such continual progress in the gym! Having accountability and someone who knows how to set up correct training and macro split is essential.

I have thoroughly enjoyed coaching Ted, it hasn’t always been easy with his lagging injuries and competitive rowing and living the student lifestyle, all competing with not only his training but also nutrition. Ted has done tremendously well in balancing everything in his life, and the progress he has made is outstanding. I look forward to working with Ted again in the future, he has a great future ahead of him.

Interested in online coaching? You can check out what I have to offer here.

The Fundamentals Make The Athlete

Back to basics

We all know those people who want to know the latest best exercise, or the new amazing supplement on the market. They are so focussed on the latest and greatest but have not taken the time to develop what matters most, and that is a strong foundation.

What makes up a strong base?

We all know that the best things in life are based of a few simple core principles. Apple products are great because they are so easy to use, this is the strong base they develop from. Costa produce some fantastic coffee variations and these all stem from top quality coffee beans. To be the best or to develop and grow you need a strong foundation to do it from. For the athlete this means perfect (or near to) technique on the main compound lifts, that’s squats, deadlifts and pressing varieties. It also requires a strong nutritional base, that’s your protein, carbs and fats, getting what you require by the end of the day, consistently. Developing these two aspects in the early stages of an athletes career pays massive dividends later on.

Stop looking for ‘training secrets’ & ‘magical supplements’
I know when I first started training I was far too concerned with the wrong things. Thinking if I took this shake and did this bicep tri-set routine I’d be cut and jacked in no time. I missed the bigger picture, and that was getting key basic principles correct. Any supplement or new training protocol is only ever going to be like the sprinkles on a cake. If you have a poor quality sponge, no matter how good those darn sprinkles are every bite will taste terrible. Just like no matter how good a supposed supplement or training method is meant to be, if you have poor technique on the main compounds or do not hit the your personal macro requirements by the end of the day, you will not see the results you desire. I know this first hand.

A coach can really help you get these aspects nailed, and keep you from straying too far from what matters. Not only do they keep you accountable for your nutrition, but if they are any good they know no matter how advanced you are as an athlete you can’t go wrong with a good squat, deadlift or pressing pattern. Making sure you are continually getting the basics right, each and every day.