Lyndsey Palmer- ‘I don’t have any food restrictions and the feeling I get from that freedom is amazing’

Lyndsey has been incredibly enjoyable to work with and continues to be a pleasure. I have seen her confidence grow with time and we have successfully brought up her calories, reduced her cardio, increased her food flexibility and developed a healthier mindset, whilst maintaining body composition. In lay mans terms; Lyndsey can eat anything within reason and can now enjoy more food then ever, so she can literally now eat cake and look great.

Don’t just take my word, here is what Lyndsey had to say:

In 2013 I prepped for and competed in three bikini competitions over the course of six months. Each of these competitions, despite being very well coached and obtaining great outcomes during the shows, were all done using a traditional prep in which I ate “clean” foods and was only allowed to have certain types of foods. This required a great amount of discipline in the beginning, but was still manageable. After the first show, it became more and more difficult to stick to this type of eating and I found myself wanting to stray from the plan more frequently. My peak weeks were extreme in terms of amount of carbs I had to cut, water I had to drink, sodium I could consume, and I had even more food restrictions than normal. After my last show, I was on my own without any help from a coach. I ate anything and everything I wanted for the next week and soon my cravings spiralled out of control. I told myself if I was ever going to do another show, I would never follow that type of plan again. This is when I began learning about IIFYM and that a lot of these people had been down the same path as I had. I decided at this point I wanted to find a coach who believed in this principle and would honor my wishes to follow IIFYM in an attempt to find a healthy balance with food and not have it consume my life. My boyfriend actually discovered Stephen, via Instagram, and recommended I work with him as he followed IIFYM and seemed to be very knowledgeable about the science behind nutrition.

Since starting with Stephen, approximately four months ago, I have been extremely pleased with many aspects of his coaching. He tailored my workouts to meet my specific goals and has been great about making changes to my program to accommodate an ongoing hip injury and any other minor problems I’ve had during my workouts. Stephen does a great job of communicating with me via email. He responds in a timely manner and answers all my questions in a detailed fashion. As far as nutrition, I’m so very thankful for Stephen’s knowledge and patience.

I started out at a lower level of calories, as that was what my body was used to and all that my metabolism could handle at the time. After about a month, I began reverse dieting and have been doing so ever since. Stephen has managed to increase my total caloric intake by almost 600 calories and increased my carbs by 100 grams, yet my weight has remained stable. (start Left, current Right)

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My initial goal with Stephen had nothing to do with cutting fat or prepping for a show and everything to do with having a healthier mindset. If one were to look at my progress pictures, it would not appear as if I have much to be excited about. I have not had a crazy physical transformation, but I believe I have not only met, but surpassed my initial goal of a more healthy relationship with food and I have Stephen to thank for that. Each time I’ve “fallen off” or went over my macros for the day, he has been there to assure me that I will be just fine and to get right back on track. I don’t have any food restrictions and the feeling I get from that freedom is amazing. I still love food and sometimes eat more than I should, but I finally feel like I’m in control again.

I’m close to being able to prepare for my second goal, competing again, but this time, using IIFYM. Stephen’s style, compassion, and dedication is exactly why I would choose him as my coach for future competitions and I would recommend his services to everyone!

I am so incredibly proud of Lyndsey, her success is terrific and very much down to her patience, consistency and determination. I have seen her grow as a person during the process, gaining a better understanding of nutrition, training and the impact each has on her body.

Interested in coaching check out my services HERE.

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