Do this before making your New Years Resolutions

So the new year is on its way, and with it comes new goals, dreams and aims. That is good thing, and I encourage everyone to have something they are working towards, whether that be to get a promotion, lose weight or get stronger. However, before you decide on your new years resolution, look back and review your old goals, dreams and aims. Have you achieved them? And if not, why not? Because, what I do not like to see is people make New Years Resolutions and not actually achieve them. If you did what you set out to do, then well done đŸ™‚ keep up the good work.

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  • Did you lack motivation?
  • Maybe you didn’t have the knowledge required to get where you wanted?
  • Possibly it was just bad luck?
  • Or deep down you knew you just didn’t work hard enough?

Whatever the reason you didn’t do what you set out to do, learn from your mistakes. If you can do that you are back in my good books and you will be much better off and more likely to achieve your future resolutions.

Be Real Man

Something that might be holding you back is setting a target that is actually not even attainable. Personally I want to eventually move out and have a house of my own. However, I just do not have the resources to do that right now, or next year. So better is to say I will be moved out and renting next year. That is far more realistic. If I set myself the aim of owning property next year, I might not even move out! If your dreaming too big then you will be at risk of stagnating. 

Set Mini Goals

By setting yourself mini hurdles along the way not only do you know the process for achieving your overall resolution but it also gives you short term targets, and you can reward yourself for hitting them. For example, you want to lose 2 stone by the end of the year, set smaller stepping stone goals such as by March you will have lost a minimum of 10 pounds. By making this mini realistic goal and hitting it, you’ll be spurred on to continue.

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Be Accountable

Tell people your resolutions, friends, family, your twitter followers the more the better. Everyone will then ask how you are getting on and progressing. This will put pressure on you to actively be pursuing your aim, because you don’t want to look stupid right? Something I personally found keeps me on point is having a training and nutrition coach. You be thinking, why would a coach need a coach? Not so much for their knowledge, but for the accountability they provide, it is priceless.

I’m going to do this one now, by sharing with you some of my goals for this year:

  • Compete in a Powerlifting Meet & get a 520kg+ total.
  • Move out from home.
  • Remain respectively lean.
  • Grow my business enough to be fully self employed.
  • Continue to learn, be open minded, experience new things and show my appreciation to others.

Make this year your year by being real, setting mini goals and making sure to be accountable, to yourself and others! If you have personal health and fitness goals, and are thinking about getting a coach to help, then be sure to check out my services HERE and remember #REVIVESTRONGER

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