Scott Thomas- ‘performance in the gym increased dramatically’

Scott reached out to me explaining how he had developed a bad relationship with food and wasn’t seeing the results he wanted. Unfortunately he had got down to very low calories and was doing a fair amount of cardio to boot, his metabolism was far from healthy. Therefore, we decided it was best for Scott to start a reverse diet, building up calories slowly and bringing up his metabolic capacity before attempting to lose more fat. Scott managed to get from under 2000 calories with excessive cardio, to over 2500 calories with no cardio, after a brief fat loss phase Scott is now back re-building his calories up. I can proudly say Scott is now leaner, stronger and eating more than when he started, and has a great relationship with food.

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Here is what Scott had to say:

‘I first became familiar with Steve through YouTube; I watched his videos as the content was always accurate, entertaining and honest.

I had been working with a online coach previously and although I had results I had now come to a point where I had developed a bad relationship with food and had begun to fear carbohydrates and eating in social and public. In addition to this I was at a point where I was not enjoying my training and was unhappy.

Finally I had enough and decided to branch out to Steve as I loved his outlook and attitude towards training and nutrition, a couple emails later and I had hired Steve.

Initially I came to Steve on very low calories couple with high amounts of cardio, Steve devised a plan to get my metabolism firing and bring my calories up to a healthy level as quickly as possible. After this we went on a short cut to reduce my body fat to a level appropriate for a long term lean mass phase.

I am now happy to say that after working with Steve the results have been fantastic, not only has my performance in the gym increased dramatically my whole outlook on nutrition has changed, I am now enjoying my food and do not fear food or “dirty” foods.

I am now in my reverse diet and have seen further results having a rebound and losing an additional 2lbs in the first 2 weeks while dropping all LISS cardio and substantially increasing macros.

All in all I would recommend Steve as a coach as he is very responsive to emails, approachable, very knowledgeable and honest. I look forward to working with him for the foreseeable future.’

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