George Green- ‘I have increased my strength, speed and agility’

I need not say much regarding George’s progress and achievements, his words below cover everything. What I must say is he lives the health and fitness lifestyle just like it should be, loving life and getting great results, it has been and continue to be a pleasure working with George. Without further ado enter George:

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‘I purchased a 3 month package from Coach Hall. I have followed Stephen Hall’s progress over youtube for some time, and I was impressed. Stephen’s  knowledge and progress were the reasons I came to him.

I started at 172lbs after a year bulk. I did a few weeks by myself then decided to inquire about Stephen’s coaching packages because he is much more knowledgable than myself. I finished my mini cut at a lean 157 lbs, I have increased my strength, speed and agility. This is important as I am a Tennis scholar.

I was impressed with the presentation of my programme, my nutrition and the response I get from Coach Hall. If i had questions, they would be answered within the day. I had weekly check ups, which made sure I was in check, and I was told about any weekly changes whether it be programming or nutrition. Coach Hall also walks you through the training, so you gain an understanding of how the programme works.

My results speak for themselves, and I was incredibly difficult because of the fact I travel so much, go out a lot, and sometimes send pictures of my food to Coach Hall because my guessing was not as good as his.

I have enjoy Mcdonalds, burger king, doughnuts, pizza, cookies and I did not mess up on my diet. I stayed flexible and I did not suffer from any cravings.

I would suggest Coach Hall to any of my friends. I will also be staying with him for the foreseeable future.’

For further information about my coaching services please click HERE.

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